
585 13 18

Requested by: No one.

This is a shorter one, but I just randomly got the idea and even tho Rohan isn't my fave, I think it worked out fine.


Rohan and I had been in a relationship for a few months now. In fact, we were about to celebrate our 4 month anniversary in just two days! I had prepared some food I'd make for him, along with an art kit for his work. Before we met, I didn't know a lot about art. He thought me a lot, even letting me be the first to read every chapter he wrote! He'd tell me to let him know if it was good enough, which of course, it always was. I admired everything he did, even if it was just one manga panel.

"Y/N! Come here for a second!" I headed upstairs. He probably wanted me to read a new chapter. I did love to support him, but there was a small problem. Sometimes, he'd get so caught up in his work that it seemed like he forgot about me a bit. It made me pretty sad, but he was a hardworking man.

"Yes?" I opened the door and he sat by his desk as usual with great posture.

"Ah, there you are. Can you read this for me?" He asked and held up a page to me. I looked at it for a second.


"Great, then tell m-"

"On one condition." He was a bit caught off guard, actually looking a bit surprised before going back to his usual expression.

"Okay then, what is it?"

"I want you to give me a kiss first." I asked, almost scared it'd be a bit of a weird request. He thought for a moment, hesitating.

"Just a kiss?"

"Just a kiss." I clarified and he stood up to approach me. We had kissed multiple times before, yet I actually felt myself blush a bit. He placed my chin between his index finger and his thumb, tilting my face upwards and leaning towards me. I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact. He pressed his lips against mine for a quick second before pulling away and turning back to his desk. "That's it?"

"Hm?" He turned back to me. "You did say just a kiss, didn't you?" I looked to the side, a bit embarrassed. "Now, will you take a look at the page?" He requested and I did as he said. I looked it over quickly, handing it back to him almost immediately.

"It looks fine." I turned around to leave, only hearing him digging around among the endless manga pages before it stopped, and I felt a hand on my wrist. He turned me around and placed a hand on my waist, adding a loud sigh to it.

"I can't let you leave with that look on your face, can I?" He let go of my wrist and put the hand on my cheek instead. Rohan leaned down to my face again, giving me the longest, most gentle and passionate kiss I'd ever had. I felt myself melt into the sensation, not wanting it to end. I put my arms around his neck in an attempt to deepen the kiss. Though, instead it resultated in him pressing me closer to his body. I was the first to pull away in need to catch my breath.

"Roh..Rohan... I-"

"I'm sorry I've been so busy. I've only ever had my work to focus on. While I'm not used to this type of relationship, I want to love you in the way you deserve." I was shocked and flustered. Probably from the mixture of the kiss and his words. I wanted him to kiss me more.

"Rohan, I love y-"

"Wait! Just like that! Please let me draw you like that!" He quickly pulled out a pen and a small piece of paper, drawing my expression before I had a chance to change it. I was expecting him to put it in a drawer or something, like he did with all his art. But this piece, this he put on his minimalistically decorated desk. The desk where he only had room for his work.

"You're going to keep that there?" I asked as I walked over to him.

"Yes. When I can't be with you, I want to be able to at least look at you. You are my inspiration, after all." I smiled at him. I was completely in love with him for all the right reasons.

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