
436 15 8

Requested by: My mental health

I was supposed to write some requests today but I've had a shittier day than I've had for a while now. Therefor I needed to write this, I hope to make more tomorrow at the latest.


"I can't believe this..." I muttered. There was no way they'd let me stay now. I had failed. I had a simple mission, and I failed. How could I do that? How could I let him escape when I had him so close?!

I'm sure of it, Bucciarati is gonna hate me. Mista's gonna shoot me or something. And Narancia... Oh god, I won't be able to look him in the eyes. I can't stand to see the disappointment...

I put my hand on the doorknob. The rain had gotten me soaked, and I felt like a wet puppy. Once I opened the door, I'm sure they'd be disappointed. It doesn't matter that I did my best, I should have done it better, way better...

Slowly, I opened the door, listening for potential sounds. I heard talking, which was weird. Not because there were voices, but because the voices weren't yelling.

I snuck inside and closed the door behind me, wiping my shoes off as I entered. A few more steps, and the team would be in the room to my right. What would they say? Maybe they'd comment on the blood on my clothes, not knowing it's only my own, not the man I was supposed to kill? Maybe they'd stare at me in disgust from how long it had taken me to get back here?

Either way, I had to bring them the bad news.

I walked with heavy steps, dripping water on the carpet while my head hung low. I stopped at the entrance to the room. Their chattering stopped, and I felt multiple eyes stare at me. What would they think? What would-

"Y/N! YOU'RE BACK!!" I didn't look up, but Narancia came running up to me, wrapping his arms around me tightly. "We've been so worried about you! Where have you been?!"

I didn't hug him back. My arms stayed at the sides of my body. They felt too heavy to lift for now.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Bucciarati spoke from the other side of the room. Narancia realized what he meant, and took a step back to fully look at me.

"I'm... I failed." I mumbled in a monotone voice. My eyebrows furrowed, though I wasn't sure if it was noticeable.

"That's okay, we'll just-" I cut Bucciarati off.

"It's not okay. This blood is only mine, I didn't make any damage on him and he escaped. I am a disappointment to all of you. If you excuse me, I'd like to be alone." I turned my back to them. They didn't answer or try to stop me. Maybe they thought it was for the best? Maybe it was true? I was a disgrace to the team.

I headed up to my room, grabbing some things from the cabinet by my bed. I made my way to the bathroom, allowing myself to take a hot shower in an attempt to clean myself off, and possibly relax. I had just started rinsing my hair when there was a knock at the door.


"Y/N? It's Trish, I know you want to be alone but I'll leave some extra blankets in your room for you, okay?"

"...Thanks." After a few seconds, I heard her footsteps disappear further away in the corridor. I finished my shower and got dressed in some comfortable clothing, staring myself down in the mirror. My eyebags were dark, my cheeks red from crying.

Eventually I gave up the staring contest with myself and went back to my room. I noticed a huge pile of blankets neatly folded and placed on my bed. Trish was the sweetest.

Another knock was heard, on my bedroom door this time.

"Yes?" I sighed. Mista opened the door, looking nervous.

"Uh- In case it makes you feel better, we decided to let you know that you can talk to us when you're ready and..." I noticed an arm clothed with green fabric hit him in the back of the head, forcing him to continue. "A-and we don't hate you... You did your best..." He seemed shy, which made things a bit better. His words were comforting as well, even though they most likely came from Fugo or Bucciarati.

"Thank you, Mista. That's very sweet of you." I gave him a faint smile, which he returned before leaving again.

I sighed and closed the door behind him. The blankets on my bed called to me. All I wanted was to snuggle up in them and... cry. The bed looked so comfortable as well, like it'd eat me up if I were to lay down. At this point, that sounded so lovely. I crawled into bed, just laying there for a second. I'd just go to sleep, and then tomorrow, I'll pretend like it didn't happen, right?

Another knock.

"FOR FUCK'S SAKE WHICH PART OF 'I WANT TO BE ALONE' DID YOU NOT-" The door opened again, revealing a slightly intimated Narancia.

"Sorry... I was just so worried about you. Can I come in?" He leaned to the side to see me, but didn't dare to step inside until I gave him permission.

"I guess... If it's you, it's fine."

"Oh. If it's me?" He asked and I bit my tongue. I cannot shut up quickly enough.

"Err- so what did you want?" He stepped inside and sat down on the bed. He kept his distance from me, barely even looking into my eyes.

"Well... You looked so sad, and that made me sad. So I figured I'd just check to see if you were okay... I guess?"



"Uhm, I'm... fine." I muttered, but he looked like he didn't believe me.

"Y/N..." His body turned towards mine as he crossed his legs. "I'm really worried about you."

"I'm fine, really... I just..." Hesitantly, I decided I'd tell him how I felt. There was something about Narancia that just made me feel comfortable. "If what I accomplished today was my best..."

"Then?" I was hoping he'd catch on without me saying it, but he didn't. As usual.

"Then, well... How can I be part of Passione if I can't even... do that?"

"I'm not good at comforting words or knowing what to say... But I'm not going to lie to you! You did great today. You did your best, and that's enough! Next time, call us- call me! We'll help you." I nearly got teary eyed by his words. Instinctively, I leaned forward and pressed my face against his chest. His arms wrapped around my upper body as I placed mine around his torso.

"Narancia..." I said through muffled sobs. "You're the most comforting person I know." He rubbed my back slightly. I felt some pressure on top of my head, and I realized he was kissing it.

"I'm really not, but I don't like seeing you like this. I'd do anything to make sure you're happy all the time."

"I don't think anyone can be constantly happy."

"But I'm not happy if you're not happy." One could almost hear the blush in his words. He wasn't one to give words of affirmation. He was more of the touchy type when it came to expressing appreciation and love.



"Thank you."

"Of course." He reached to the side of me and grabbed something. He put one of the fluffy blankets over me as he leaned backwards. His hands placed themselves in the exact same position as before, as if it was muscle memory. I felt his heart beat inside his chest in a steady rhythm. Surprising, since I'm pretty sure Narancia is constantly hyper.



"I might fall asleep with you like this. Do you mind if I do?"

"Not at all, just promise to stay with me."


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