
390 11 17

Requested by: No one.

this is my longest one omg it's over 4000 words. I appreciate the support everyone gives me!

Also, while my fave is still Narancia, I've noticed my love for Fugo has gone 📈📈📈 lately. Which made me think of something I read recently. It was something like. "The person your kin is usually shipped with, is probably your type." And I mean, I simp hard for kakyoin and josuke, but I kin narancia preeeetty hard... and he's often shipped with Fugo, so now theres Fugo, I guess:)


"You little fucker! Get back here!" I shouted but Risotto ran ahead of me.

"No, if we leave now, we might not get another chance!" He said with anger in his voice. My heavy breathing revealed how out of breath I was, but I didn't care. I was too mad at my capo to give a shit.

We were chasing Pannacotta Fugo, a former member of the group that was guarding Trish. He had recently separated with them, wandering the streets on his own. I had told Risotto that we didn't need to kill him, but he refused to listen to me. He had some weird grudge against all the members and wanted to take this chance to finish him off.

"Y/N, my love, the fight will most likely become bloody, so I'll need you to use your stand to heal me during the fight." Risotto was openly in love with me, but he mostly brought me along for my stand anyway.

"Stop calling me 'love' you bastard!" He didn't turn around to answer, as his eyes were fixated on the man further ahead of us. From what I could see, he had noticed us as well and began preparing for a fight.

"Stop. Don't get any closer or his stand could kill you." I stopped immediately, nearly running straight into the tall man.

"Hold up, you're telling me we're pursuing the one whose stand had some type of virus?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, Purple Haze is the name." Risotto's hands formed into fists.

"The only one who gets to say the name of my stand is me, Pannacotta Fugo. I suggest you leave now before you regret it." While I was loyal to my capo, I wasn't gonna lie. Bucciarati's team sure had some attractive members...

While I was lost in thought, Fugo brought out Purple Haze to prepare for a fight. The Purple-colored, drooling stand looked like it'd go berserk at any given moment, so I took a step back to hide behind Risotto.

"You know what we can do instead? Buy some spaghetti. You could even take me out on a proper date, doesn't that sound nice?" I asked, praying to God he'd take me up on the offer.

"Y/N, shut up. This is more important." His words made me scoff. So much for 'Oh, Y/N, I'm deeply devoted to you and can't imagine being with anyone else'. He was full of shit.

"I choose when I want to shut up!" I brought out my stand to prepare for the worst. It was a close-ranged stand that could heal, but also deliver quite the punch once I got close enough.

"You go ahead and serve as my shield. I'll make him regret ever opening that mouth of his."

"Oh really? A shield? What are you gonna go with, razorblades as usual? Maybe the occasional scissors popping out of the stomach? You're predictable, Risotto." I was actually shocked to hear Fugo laugh at that.

"You're like an old, married couple who doesn't love each other anymore." He said, smiling in amusement. "It's a shame I'll have to kill you."

"Believe me, if I was married to him I'd walk right into your stand's range." He laughed at me again. Or, maybe he wasn't laughing at me... Maybe more like, with me?

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