Dio《Halloween Special》

273 7 27

Alternative title: 《Dracula》

Requested by: No one.

I'm worshipping the band Muse rn


"I dare you, you won't do it!" My beloved friend told me. I stared up at the big castle. The people in town had always told us to stay away from this place, but recently... It seemed like it wasn't unoccupied anymore.

"Are you sure it's such a good idea, though? We're not supposed to go here normally, and today is All Hallows Eve." I explained. I felt a chill travel down my spine. Something about this place just felt so very wrong.

"Come on, it's just old tales." She tried to convince me, but I wasn't buying it. "If you don't do it, I'll tell everyone you're a coward!"

"Fine! I'll do it..." I said with a sigh. I approached the large door, attempting to knock on it. No one answered. "See? There's no one... home..." The door slowly opened. I took a peak inside, but I couldn't see anyone, so I looked back at my blonde friend.

"Come on! If you got this far, you can't possibly turn back now!" She attempted to cheer me on, but I still had a terrible feeling of this. The stories I had heard about this place were... terrifying.

"Fine... If I'm taking too long, get someone to come find me!"

"Fine, fine..."

I entered the large building. It was pitch black except for the faint moonlight sippering through the large windows. Suddenly, the door behind me closed with a loud bang. I jumped and turned around, but no one was there. I'm sure my friend just wanted to tease me.

I continued up a long staircase until I reached a corridor. What caught my attention was the long line of candles. All of them were lit, and barely burned down as well. It made me come to the conclusion that I most likely wasn't alone here. I took a few more steps forward, holding my breath to see if I could hear anything. Unfortunately, I did. A small noise was heard from behind me, as someone or... something... put it's hand over my mouth. I let out a whimper from the sudden action.

"Shh... Lord Dio will be pleased to know I've caught another meal for him." My eyes widened in shock from hearing the raspy voice whisper in my ear. Who was Lord Dio? Why... did he call me a meal?

Something sharp poked at my back, forcing me to keep walking. The person behind me has a weird aura to him. Or at least, it sounded like a 'him', as I hadn't seen his face yet.

I couldn't put my finger to it, but he didn't seem like just a normal person. Something felt odd, as if something was terribly wrong with him. It was almost as if... his entire body seemed quiet? Not only his footsteps, but I couldn't hear his heartbeat in the silence of the castle, or even his breathing for that matter.

He brought me to a room. It was just as dark as the rest of the castle, except for a small candle in the middle. The combination of its' warm light along with the moonlight from the only window revealed that someone was sitting on a chair next to the candle. From the large build and clothing, it seemed to be a man. A rather tall one too.

The person behind me let go of me and pushed me forward, causing me to stumble and fall at the man in the chair's feet.

"Wang Chan, what is this piece of trash you've brought me?" His voice was deep, and he seemed to carry himself with confidence as he stood up.

"Lord Dio! I found her wandering through the castle. I assumed she could be used as nutrition for you!" The shorter man spoke. He was the one who brought me here, and he really didn't seem as intimidating once I saw him. At least, that was until I took notice of his sharp fangs.

"Hmm, I see... So, my dear, what brings you here?" The tall man got down on his knee in front of me, gently placing my chin between two of his fingers. The moon's light lit up his face and blond hair. He was undeniably attractive.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, My Lord. A friend of mine dared me to go inside, I didn't think anyone lived here. I'm truly sorry!" I tried apologizing profusely, and I would have put my head down to bow if his grip wasn't so tight on me.

"Oh? You're a brave, young girl. I mean, if you walked in here on your own. How do you know I won't kill you?" He asked, causing me to swallow some saliva.

"I don't, My Lord."

His face leaned in closer to mine. I excepted to feel his breath on my face, like I had read about in books when two people were about to kiss. In this case, there was no breathing. I couldn't feel a single thing.

"I didn't even need to tell you what to address me as, you call me Lord either way." Even when he spoke, there wasn't a single breath brushing against my lips. His eyes stared into mine, and I watched intently as his red irises observed my every move.

"Well, I assumed you'd be the owner of this castle. Therefor, I should address you as such." I told him. I tried not to show any fear, but I couldn't deny the bead of sweat that ran down the side of my forehead. His presence made me scared, but not of him. It made me feel a built up fear of what was about to happen. As if, I was scared to walk out of here only to forget about this whole experience. I had been in here for a few minutes, but my heart hadn't beat like this in years.

"Such a good girl." His hand grasped my face a bit tighter, tilting it to the side as he moved closer to my neck. "This will be the only time I'll be on my knees for you. Next time, you will be on your knees for me."

"Next time?" I questioned as his lips met my neck. They were cold, but they weren't kissing it as I had begun to hope. In fact, something else pressed on my warm skin. It was the sharp sensation of his teeth pressing into me. "Lord Dio! What are you-" I felt myself get dizzy, as if every drop of blood was being sucked out of me. Eventually, he let go of my body entirely, letting it fall limp on the ground.

"If you actually wake up again, I could make good use of you." Those were the last words I heard before feeling my consciousness disappear.


I woke up feeling nauseous.

"Finally, took you long enough." I recognized the voice immediately. It belonged to Lord Dio, the man who had bit down on my neck and caused me to fall unconscious.

"What do you mean?" I got up, feeling light as a feather.

"I turned you. I'm surprised you survived it. I didn't think you could handle it."

"What... did you do to me?" I noticed that my heart wasn't beating anymore... Was I- was I even breathing? He approached me again, placing his fingers the same way he had earlier.

"We are one and the same now. I've turned you into the same thing I am. You will be my servant, and you shall worship me."

"What are you?"

"A vampire, my love, and so are you."

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