Jolyne《Paper Butterflies》

295 10 19

Requested by: No one.

This is the shortest one yet, but it's inspired by something that happened to me irl. there's a girl, who I don't necessarily crush on, but there's something. And the main scenario in this fanfic is what happened with her, kinda?


I hurried into the Café. It was raining outside and I nearly got soaked in water. Once I got inside, it looked a bit packed, so I stood at the end of the line, waiting for my turn.

Once it was my turn, I ordered my usual thing and waited until I received it.

"Here you go!" The barista said as she handed me the cup of warm liquid. (Fuck you iced coffee drinkers)

"Ah, thank you." I walked further into the place, looking for a place to sit. Unfortunately, it looked like it was full. Damn, I didn't take a to-go mug. I sighed and decided to ask someone if I could sit next to them.

I scanned the room, looking for someone who didn't look like a potential murderer with a hand-fetisch or something. My eyes landed on a girl with green and black hair. She was sitting in a corner, fiddling with her receipt.

"Excuse me?" I said, making her look up at me. She had gorgeous eyes. "Uhm, the place is packed. Would it be alright if I sat here? I promise to not bother you."

"Of course! Have a seat." She reached out her foot underneath the table, pulling out my chair for me.

"Oh, thank you." I sat down, noticing she was actually trying to fold something out of the receipt. "I know I said I wasn't going to bother you, but what's that?"

"I'm folding butterflies." She said and showed me. "Wanna try?"

"Oh, sure. I'm just not exactly sure how?" She smiled.

"I'll show you, do you have your receipt?"

"Yeah, right here." I took it out and she proceeded to show me in detail how to make paper butterflies out of a small receipt.

"Easy, right?"

"I... think so?" I took out another, older receipt from my pocket and tried to fold it myself. I did the first two steps without a problem, but when I got the the complicated part, I stopped. I looked up, noticing the girl was looking at me. "Can you, maybe, show me again?" I asked and gave her a half-sided smile.

"Sure!" She said and giggled, proceeding to show me again. "I'm Jolyne, by the way."

"I'm Y/N!" I smiled at her. She finished folding the butterfly, but I was still a bit confused.

We ended up talking a bit, realizing we had a lot in common. The three paper butterflies laid on the table the whole time, until we were leaving.

"Hey, I'm gonna get going." Jolyne said. "Wanna join me for a bit?"

"Sure." I replied. "But it's raining a lot, isn't it?" She smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me outside.

"What does it matter if we get wet?" She stepped outside, tilting her head backwards to get the rain to pour down on her. Her coat fell off of her, only resting around her wrists. It was only now that I noticed the butterfly tattoo on her arm.

"That's one badass tattoo you got there." I said, feeling the rain pour down all over me. She tilted her head back, looking at me.

"I do love butterflies."

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