Weather Report《Safe》

604 18 9

Requested by: slutformista

I've never written Weather before, and his personality is one that I find hard to write (even tho I love him sm) so I tried my best!!


I got back the room, sitting down by the piano as I held onto my arm. It was bleeding pretty badly, and it wasn't even from a fight with a stand user. It was just those stupid brats in the female wing.

Anasui entered the room, letting out a sigh as he saw me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for asking." I said with sarcasm in my voice.


"Where's the others? Shouldn't they be back by now?"

"I'm not sure... I swear, If Weather Report doesn't protect Jolyne, I might just... Die. A world without her isn't worth living..."

"Okay, Romeo. Didn't you just meet her?

"Yes, but her beautiful eyes stared into my soul."

"Uh-huh... No, but seriously. They should be back by now, right?"

Someone stumbled into the room, dripping blood all over the carpet. His fuzzy hat stood out immediately, making me sigh in relief.

"Weather! Thank goodness!" I ran over to him, taking out my stand to aid any of his wounds, but he wouldn't let me. He leaned close to me, whispering.

"Y/N? Why are you hurt? You shouldn't be running around if you're hurt." I smiled at him, using my stand to heal him while he wasn't looking.

"I'm fine, don't worry. Where's Jolyne?" I noticed Anasui in the corner of my eye. He was clearly listening now that I mentioned her.

"She's okay, don't worry. She managed to get the disc to the courtyard in time." Weather moved his hand to my arm, inspecting the wound carefully.

"Yeah, I'm leaving now. Bye Juliette." Anasui said, clearly annoyed by our previous conversation. I mean, he did just meet her, and they didn't even talk! It's crazy...

I, on the other hand, was hopelessly in love with Weather Report. Not for any particular reason, there was just something that made me want to be hugged and held by him.

"So, how did you get this?" He asked and pointed to my arm.

"Oh, it was just some girls in our wing trying to pick a fight because I insulted one of them." He pulled me over to the piano, lifting me up so I was sitting on the edge of it. He was always so gentle with me, it made me really happy.

"You're a bit red, are you okay?" His face was still inches away from mine, like it always was. I couldn't help but blush either way, when I could feel his breath on my lips, how would I be able to resist?

"Oh, I'm fine..."

"Are you sure? You didn't hit your head, right?"

"Weather, I'm fine. Really, look!" I stretched my body and smiled widely at him, but he wasn't buying it.

"Something is up. Is there something on your mind?"

"...No, not really."

"...Y/N?" I might be imagining things, but it felt like his face got even closer. If he wouldn't back away, I'm sure I'd kiss him.

Unfortunately, he did back away. He went over to the corner of room, retrieving something.

"What's that?" I asked and he held up some bandages. "Oh, it's okay I won't need it." He got closer again, carefully grabbing my arm and lifting it up as he gently wrapped the bandages around it.

"I don't..." He began.

"You don't what?"

"I don't want you to get hurt like this. If there's someone bothering you, you should come get me instead." I stared at him for a second, questioning if he was actually serious.

"Why would I do that? I wouldn't want to bother you with my pathetic fights, would I?" He looked at me, staring deep into my soul.

"I'd love to fight all of your fights for you, Y/N." Yeah, okay, I was definitely blushing by now.

"You're being very protective today, is something... different?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but whenever I look at you, my heart beats a little faster. When I think about how you get hurt, I feel like I want to cry. There's just something special about you, Y/N."

We maintained eye contact with each other for several seconds before I took the chance. I leaned in and gave him a kiss. His lips were soft, warm. I pulled away quickly when I realized he didn't kiss me back.

"Weather, I- I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that." He let go of my arm and placed his warm hands on my cheeks.

"This feeling I get when I look at you, it's love, right?"

"If you think so, then it probably is." I noticed a smile creep up on his face and he pressed his forehead on mine.

"Then I love you, Y/N. I want to protect you, and I want to hold you in my arms." I took his words to heart, moving my head to the side to properly hug him. I buried my face in his shoulder as he embraced me in a fairly tight hug. The way he felt like home, and the way he felt so safe made me really happy.

I pressed him away from me and looked him the eyes.

"I love you too, Weather."

He leaned towards me, but not like when he talks. Instead, he closed his eyes and kissed me. I kissed him back immediately. It felt a thousand times better when it was reciprocated. I felt so safe in his arms, it's exactly what I wanted. After the kiss, he placed his hand on my wrapped up wound again.

"Don't get hurt again, let me take care of it. Please." I nodded at him and he smiled, a genuine smile, as he wrapped his arms around me again. I was truly safe with him. I knew I'd always be.

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