
176 6 32

Requested by: Caeserissohot

This one isn't that long, sorry!

also, I've been busy. I haven't put as much time into oneshots lately because I've focused on finishing my fugo book (which I did) and writing my Abbacchio book. I hope this works!


I was somewhat aware of the things that went on around me. The lights were dim in the prison, and everyone was slowly going to sleep. My roommate, Ermes, had been taken away by the guards earlier today. Something about illegal business.

Another thing about Ermes, was that she was my girlfriend. I had come here for attempted arson, and she fell for me so quickly for some reason. We started dating pretty much right away, and became inseparable after that. Call it codependency, but I missed her despite the fact that she had only been gone for a few hours.

I was currently sleeping in her bed, since it was more comfortable. I figured, if she's not here to scold me, would it matter?

The answer was no, so I snuggled into the soft blankets of her bed, taking in the faint scent of Ermes Costello. It was warm, and I felt myself slowly doze off as I thought of her, and her hugs. Her voice and her persistent personality.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I heard the sounds of prison doors being opened and closed. I didn't think too much of it, since it was a pretty common sound by now. I continued thinking about Ermes, as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jolted up from the bed, being wide awake and ready for anything.

My eyes met with Ermes', who seemed to have just come back.

"Did you miss me so much you slept in my bed?" She asked with a faint smirk painted on her face. I rubbed my eyes as she sat down next to my legs.

"Maybe I just wanted to take advantage of your bed since it's softer?" I asked and she scoffed.

"Yeah, right. You totally just missed me so much. Isn't that right?" She inched closer to my face, grazing my cheeks with her fingers as she placed her soft lips on top of mine. She tasted sweet, for some reason. It did make me happy either way, feeling her lips so close to me as she pushed me back onto the bed.

I laid down on the somewhat soft mattress as she slouched down beside me, releasing her lips from mine. Her arms wrapped around my body as I snuggled into her arms.

"Did they beat you up? You have this faint iron scent to you as if you've been bleeding." I asked and she pressed her face into my hair.

"Maybe." Her muffled voice was heard between countless kisses on the top of my head.

"Come on, Ermes. You should be more careful, I don't want you to be beaten up." I complained and she sighed.

"They almost found out you were helping me, I had to do something." Her fingers traced along my arms as I leaned further into her chest.

"You got yourself beat up for my sake? Why?" Her chest heaved up and down and she breathed, and I felt myself get more and more relaxed in her presence.

"Because I love you, you moron." She said, and I heard the smile in her voice.

"I love you too, idiot. That doesn't mean you can walk around getting yourself killed, though. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'd do anything for you, though. I'd protect you with all I have!" She raised her voice slightly, and someone down the hall hushed us.

"But I want to protect you as well, Ermes. I can't do that if you throw yourself into fire all the time."

"You realize the irony in your words, right? Fire? Arson?"

"I love arson, and I love you, but that doesn't mean they have to be combined." She laughed as she pressed me closer to her chest.

"You're my little arsonist, I love that."

"I'd light this whole place on fire for you."

"Preferably don't, I've made some good friends in here."

"Silly, I'd obviously save them first, and then light this whole place on fire."

"Yeah, and then I'd have to carry you out because you'd get yourself caught."

"I would not!"

"Y/N, you're in here because you got caught as an arsonist."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure you don't." She kissed my head again. "How about we get some sleep?"

"Only if I get to sleep in your bed with you."

"Of course, I wouldn't want you anywhere else."

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