Chapter 25

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Seokjin wasn't sure how to confront Taehyung as the latter stood there in front of him with puffed, red eyes, obvious tears and snot dried all over his face and his hair flipped all around like it had gone through a tornado. His eyes looked so hollow and devoid of any life that Seokjin didn't have the guts to say a word. He didn't even know where to begin or how he should even approach the matter. 

Should he slap him to make him see past his blind love or hug him tight so he doesn't break at the horrible news? And all of that depended on whether Taehyung believed him or not. 

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung's words were jagged and cut a slick wound right through the centre of Seokjin's heart.

But he persisted and said, "I have something important to say." 

"Yeah?" Seokjin tried to ignore his passive tone.

"I..." God, what was wrong with him? Why couldn't he just say it?

"You, what?" Taehyung hissed at him, so uncharacteristic that it caught Seokjin completely off guard and rendered him silent.

"I'm- I'm sorry. I was leaving so I thought I'd..." Seokjin inhaled deeply. "So I thought I'd tell you."

The blank expression shifted as Taehyung's eyes relaxed into a softer, much sadder gaze. 

"Tonight?" The edges in his voice had rounded. 

"Yeah. Tonight," Seokjin mumbled, slowly looking down because he just couldn't combat the incomprehensible intensity in Taehyung's eyes.

"You didn't have to come all this way," Taehyung stated emptily, eyes boring holes into Seokjin's soul.

"I... I wanted to see you before I leave," Seokjin responded shakily, trying to fight back his tears because the reality of possibly never seeing Taehyung again was crashing into him just then.


"I'll miss you," Seokjin breathed out, hoping the desperation in his voice wasn't heard.

"Oh, um..." Taehyung seemed to ponder on his next words but they never came.

"Don't you-" Seokjin's voice broke at last. "Don't you have anything to say?!"

"You didn't have anything to say for the last three weeks, so why should I?" Taehyung's responded in lightning speed, as if he had been meaning to spit out those flames for a long time. 

"Tae, I-" How could Seokjin explain himself? How could he blatantly say that his heart was gravely wounded? How could he say that he wanted Taehyung more than just a friend?

"-had family problems," Seokjin said, like a coward. 

"And suddenly you couldn't trust me with them?" Taheyung asked sharply, his words burning into Seokjin's throat.

Wordless, Seokjin just stared at Taehyung helplessly, who stared back at him with flames in his eyes, flames of anger and stubbornness. But behind all of that fire, was just a broken heart that Seokjin couldn't see.

"You... You wouldn't understand me," Seokjin lied. Of course Taehyung would've understood him. Even if the entire world crumbled around him, Taehyung would be the one waiting for him with open arms. 

"I wouldn't-" Taehyung was about to raise his voice before he composed himself. "No, you're right. I wouldn't understand you. I mean, I did all that stupid, meaningless running around and staying up late to make that-"

Taehyung chuckled menacingly. "I get it, hyung. You don't need me. You're just here to show some sort of formality or whatever."

"Formality?!" Seokjin tried not to shout, fists balled up, knuckles whitening. "What do you even think of me, Taehyung?!"

"That's what your friend-" 

"Oh, fuck Yoongi!" 

And Seokjin kissed him.

Seokjin knew he was screwing up their friendship in every possible aspect so he made sure to pour every last drop of his heart and soul into that kiss, pressing his lips so hard against Taehyung's that he felt his tears escape. Their lips separated with a little smack and Seokjin was still cupping Taehyung's absolutely short-circuiting face. 

Before Seokjin could even stop himself, the words spilled past his lips like a freight train, "Jimin and Jungkook are cheating on you- no, I mean technically they're not but they're using you for your money and they talk about how they hate kissing you and how they want to stop going on dates with you but Taehyung you're not worthless just because they-"

"Do that again."

"Huh?" Seokjin blinked in confusion. 

"Do... that again," Taehyung whispered again.

"Do what... Oh, sorry, I-" Seokjin began to move away from Taehyung's personal bubble but firm hands grabbed his waist and pulled him towards the younger as their lips interlocked once more.

A moan escaped Seokjin's lips when Taehyung pressed their bodies together with no space to spare and kissed his lips so feverishly that Seokjin felt like he was going to die, but in a good way. He threw his arms around Taehyung's neck and held onto him for dear life because God forbid if this moment was ever to end. 

Was he dreaming? Was he hallucinating? Was he going completely, absolutely, certainly insane?

Taehyung was having the same thoughts because he pulled away just to pinch his arm really hard and shriek painfully at the outcome, before gathering Seokjin in his arms again and pushing him against a wall to kiss him again. But this time, the kiss was softer, more careful, as if Taehyung had just absorbed the reality; he was no longer living a fantasy. 

They placed one chaste kiss after another on the other's lips, loving each other gently, tenderly and giggling in between kisses because both had waited so long for this moment to dawn. 

"But wait-" Seokjin placed his hands on Taehyung's chest. "What about your...boyfriends?"

"It was all a lie." Oksun materialised from nowhere. Seokjin pushed Taehyung aside, both of their cheeks burning.

"He made up that lie to fool Eommoni because she kept pushing him into blind dates with girls but his coward ass didn't tell you the truth either," Oksun said in one go. "He's not dating anyone. I'm surprised he got to bag you."

Seokjin turned at Taehyung sharply, a murderous smile slowly painting his lips. 

"You... lied?" Seokjin smiled sweetly, ready to wreck havoc. 

"Um, well, uh," Taehyung said eloquently, and received a very deserving slap. 

...which followed a kiss, of course.


It's the 25th chapter and the story is called Christmas Love...ring any bells?👀

The next chapter will be a follow up of this same day.

I hope you guys have enjoyed this story because it's quite near its end❤.

Christmas Love || TaejinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora