Chapter 23

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"Did he say anything?" Seokjin mumbled as he melted into his blanket which was then right under his reddened eyes.

"No. Bastard didn't have the balls to," Yoongi recounted brazenly, his eyes twitching.

"Do you think I should've checked what was inside?" Seokjin's question was muffled under the blanket but Yoongi had the ears of a cat.

"Hyung, you've asked this a hundred times. I think you did just fine by not opening that damned thing. I bet it had more fancy, sparkly stuff to win you over or some shit," Yoongi hissed in fury before pushing his hair back in annoyance. "I wanted to slap that dumb look off his face."

"God, I feel like I fucked up," Seokjin groaned before completely hiding himself under the blanket and curling into a fetal position.

"Then go talk to him if you feel so fucked."


"Then stop complaining."

Seokjin groaned again and rolled over to have his back against Yoongi, who swiftly threw off the blanket and pulled Seokjin into a sitting position.

"Hyung, you can't be like this all day long," Yoongi said sternly, but the worry in his voice echoed quietly.

"Why not? I'm leaving soon anyways. Might as well make the best out of it." With that, Seokjin cocooned himself once more.

Yoongi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He hated seeing his friend like this, weeping and moping all over the place just because of a stupid boy who didn't have the guts to confess. Yoongi thought jabbing at Taehyung would finally cause that dumbfuck to break and spill everything to Seokjin himself instead of sending pretty little gifts. But maybe he had been a bit too harsh.

Exhaling another deep sigh, Yoongi admitted, "Hyung, I might have fucked up too. I told him you don't care about him, or something like that."

"Good. I don't." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"If you don't, then go to work," Yoongi insisted as he tried to unwrap Seokjin again. "Get your mind off things."

"I quitted."

"Then why is your manager calling you?"


Seokjin shot up and grabbed his phone, which had been on silent mode, before pressing it against his ear.

"Seokjin-sshi, we are heavily understaffed. Take your leave some other day." The new manager was a young woman freshly out of university with high achievements but she clearly hadn't built up her professionalism.

"Ms. Hwang, I quit the other day," Seokjin reminded the frantic woman gently.

"I know! But please, just work this day. Three of our staff has the flu and I don't know how to handle everything," Ms. Hwang pleaded and honestly sounded like she was going to cry.

"Okay," Seokjin sighed. "I'll be there soon."

Seokjin dropped back on the bed again and dragged his hands across his face.

"Get up, get up." Yoongi hauled Seokjin off the bed and pushed him into the bathroom before throwing in some decent clothes from his suitcase.

"I hate my life," Seokjin's voice reverberated from the bathroom.

"Yeah, you're doing great!" Yoongi tried to be cheerlead, but honestly it was more his boyfriend's department.


"I ordered a Cappuccino!" The woman yelled for the third time as everyone else tried to ignore.

"Ma'am," Seokjin tried to say sweetly but his patience was on the brink of exploding. "The receipt clearly says you asked for an Americano."

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