Chapter 9

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Seokjin: goodmorning •ᴗ•

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Seokjin: goodmorning •ᴗ•

Seokjin: i just woke up from a 6 hour nap

"Is he alright?" Jungkook asked Jimin as he passed by their table to attend to some other customer.

"Yep," Jimin said with a straight face as he watched his best friend stare at his phone with his eyes blown so wide that Jimin was afraid that they might pop out and his hand dramatically pressed against his mouth to muffle his shrieks.

"Tae," he said. "We're in public."

"See this." Taehyung shoved his phone into Jimin's face.

Now it was Jimin's turn to slap a hand over his mouth.

"He is unreal, what the fuck," Jimin said in pure awe.

"Who's unreal?" Jungkook asked as he piled up the used cups and plates on a tray from the table next to them.

"Are you jealous?" Jimin teased as he playfully hid the phone from Jungkook's peering eyes.

"Yeah, so jealous. I'm literally fuming right now," Jungkook said with the plainest voice ever.

Jimin rolled his eyes but with a smile, and showed the godly image of Kim Seokjin to Jungkook just squinted his eyes for a second before shrugging.

"Nice hoodie," was Jungkook's only comment.

"Nice hoodie? Have you even seen his lips?" Taehyung complained as he reached forward to snatch his phone from Jimin who was shamelessly scrolling through their conversation.

"Yeah, but I've kissed better," Jungkook said brazenly before heading towards the kitchen, leaving a giggly Jimin and an appalled Taehyung.

"You guys are gross."

"We'll see who's gross after you get into Seokjin's pants."


"What? He was literally caressing your thigh."

"Not, caressing- like, he just- he just had his hand on my thigh," Taehyugn explained, tripping over his tongue and turning bright red at the memory.

"If I had a mirror with me right now- anyways, when is Aunty coming?"

"I think she'll be done with the meeting in a few- oh, there she is." Both of the friends sat up straight when they spotted Mrs. Kim emerging from one of the backdoors of the cafe, revealing a staircase, that leads to the second floor, for a brief moment.

"Good evening, Aunty," Jimin greeted as he stood up and bowed while Taehyung hastily typed on his phone.

Taehyung: I don't believe you, hyung. 

Taehyung: You look too good.

Jimin kicked Taehyung's shin, resulting the younger of the two to put his phone away.

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