Chapter 8

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"Why aren't you ready yet?!"

Taehyung slammed his laptop shut because he had been previously gawking at some pictures on Seokjin's account before his mother barged into his room unceremoniously.

"Eommoni, please knock before coming in," Taehyung complained.

"Why does your own mother need to knock before coming in?!"

Taehyung sighed and asked, "What were you saying?"

"You aren't even ready yet! Sunhwa is already here!"


"I knew you would lie to me and skip the blind date so I invited her family over. I made it look like I wanted to just have Sunhwa over but you will have to talk to her daughter, okay?"

"Eommoni," Taehyung tried to control his tone. "I have told you that I am not  interested in women."

"And I don't believe you a single bit! After what I saw a few days ago? Never," his mother replied stubbornly.

"I don't know what would make you believe in me! Do you want me to kiss Jimin and Jungkook in front of you?!" Taehyung instantly regretted his words.

"Oh I'd love to see proof Kim Taehyung! Just because guests are over now, I will let this behaviour pass-"

"Eommoni, do you even care how old I am?"

"I'm your mother and I have every right to-" his mother stopped abruptly and took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to smile.

"Just get ready and meet Sunhwa's girl, okay? We will discuss the rest later." And with that, Mrs. Kim existed her son's room with a dramatic flip of her shawl and hair, which came slightly undone from its tight bun.

Taehyung groaned and closed his eyes, trying to swallow his anger and frustration.

Taehyung: I hate my life

Taehyung waited for his friends' consoling but neither of them seemed to be on their phones.

Taehyung had no interest in interacting or attracting the daughter so his brain devised a little plan. He walked over his closet and pulled out a loud Hawaiian print shirt and bright orange shorts in order to display his unshaven legs. He finished the look my pushing his hair back with a pair of pink heart shaped sunglasses before admiring his work in front of the long mirror. He pondered on using excessive hair gel or coconut oil to make himself look even more obnoxious but his mother's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"TaeTae! You're ready, right?!"

Taehyung took one last look at the piece of art he had just created before walking out, feeling extremely accomplished. He was ready to make the girl and her mother feel repulsed even if it meant he would have conseqeunces to deal with but the universe really hated him so he faced the consequences the moment he walked into the living room because the first person who locked eyes with him was none other than Seokjin.

"Tae- oh, um, you haven't changed yet?" Taehyung heard his mother ask in a sickly sweet voice from somewhere in the room while his entire body burnt with pure embarrassment.

"Hi, hyung," Taehyung squeaked before  remembering there were other people in the room so  bowed to them.

"Ah, so this is... Taehyung?" Said his mother's friend, Sunhwa with an awkward smile as if she couldn't decide what to think of Taehyung.

"Yes! He's my eldest son and he works at..."

Taehyung could definitely see where Seokjin (and his sister) got his genes from because Sunhwa had a timeless face and the grace of a noblewoman. Seokjin himself looked like royalty with his white shirt tucked into black slacks and a black coat finishing the look. It just made Taehyung even more embarrassed.

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