Chapter 13

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Double update today! Keep scrolling for Chapter 14 <3.


Taehyung was having a shitty day.

His mom had been cooking vegetables for a week now and it was driving him crazy so he took the initiative of waking up early and cooking breakfast. It wasn't unedible but it definitely wasn't something to be praised for. He thought his mother would be relieved to see that a) she didn't have to cook that day and b) her son was capable of cooking a decent meal. However, his mother threw a fit about how Taehyung wasn't appreaciating her efforts in cooking, so he made breakfast himself because he wanted to let her know that he didn't like her food.

It was not a pleasant thing to hear early in the morning but Taehyung could tell that she was stressed over something else and just vented it out on him. He didn't feel like asking her what's wrong after she called him ungrateful.

When he got into his car, he found it to be reeking of strong orange air freshner which he absolutely could not tolerate. His mom must have sprayed it last night when she went out for some business. So he drove to his workplace with the constant urge to throw up his breakfast. When he reached the office, he thought he would feel better but he found himself hunched over a toilet seat after five minutes.

He had submitted two pieces of designs for the upcoming Winter collection right before the deadline and was yelled at for being sloppy, before the manager took all the praise by the higher officials, saying Taehyung's great performance was because of her supervision. Taehyung usually just let it pass because he knew the officials knew that Mrs. Lee was just spewing bullshit but today he felt impossibly triggered by it, so he spent three quarters of his lunch break splashing water on his face and pacing the washroom while receiving concerned and alarmed looks from his co-workers.

He thought God had heard his pleas when his manager walked up to his workspace and congratulated him on the good work with stifling reluctance before granting him an early leave.

 When he reached the parking lot, he found a little girl roaming around on her own so he escorted her to security and waited along with her until her guardians arrived. Turned out, the mother was getting take out from the restaurant above Taehyung's office and had asked her daughter to remain next to her car. She yelled at Taehyung for causing her more trouble by taking the girl to the security office as she had to walk around for two minutes to find her little child (whom she shouldn't have left alone in the first place). She even seized the small piece of candy, that Taehyung had given the girl, and threw it on the ground before taking her daughter to the car.

Taehyung understood that parents were wary of seeing their children with strangers but, again, if they're so worried, then they shouldn't leave them alone in a parking lot. Besides, Taehyung didn't deserve such treatment.

Of course, the world wasn't done consipiring against him because he had only travelled a few hundred metres when he found himself trapped along with at least fifty vehicles in front of him. Some sort of car accident had taken place and the road was blocked. A lot of the vehicles were veering to the wrong lane and getting blocked by vehicles that were approaching them. Taehyung cursed everyone and their extended family who tried to act smart by changing to the other lane because now, their only way of getting out of this hell was a mess as well. 

After hours of moving in a excritiatingly slow pace, Taehyung finally saw the light of day. Ironically, the day was near its end because the sun was finishing its journey to the west. He had dmed Jimin and Jungkook while he was stuck in traffic but they hadn't responded yet. He wasn't sure where he wanted to go, so he ended up in the parking lot of his mother's cafe.

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