Chapter 3

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"TaeTae! TaeTae, are you home?!"

Taehyung dragged a hand down his face in exasperation. He thought he could sneak into the house as quietly as possible but apparently his mom's eagle senses were not dull yet despite her age.

Maybe I could pretend to sleep.

No, he had to tell his mother about the whole Jimin thing, meaning he had to come out.

Pretending to sleep sounds better.

"Tae?! TaeTae are you in your room?!" Taehyung grimaced as his mother's voice and footsteps grew louder by the moment.

Just get under the damn blanket!

"Is this boy asleep?"


And the door opened.

"Kim Taehyung," his mother said unamusingly as she placed her hands on her hips and pursed her thin lips.

"Yes?" Taehyung responded innocently, thanking himself for having put the headset over his ears right before his mother barged in.

"I told you a hundred times to lower the volume of your music! What if it hurts your ears? What if your Eommoni is dying but you can't hear her because you're too busy listening to horribly loud music?"

"Ah, Eommoni," Taehyung complained. "Don't be so dramatic!"

As his mother burst into another aimless lecture, Taehyung took off his headset and pinched the bridge of his nose. He walked past his mother, moving her out of the way gently by her shoulders.

"Where are you going? Are you going out again?! Oh! That reminds me! How did your date go? You've been out for hours. It must have gone well, right? Did you get her number?" His mom spoke like a bullet train as she followed him into the kitchen and sat opposite to him at the dinner table.

"Let's start eating," Taehyung said nervously as he scooped rice into his mother's bowl and then into his own.

"What are being so discreet for? You can't even share things with your own mother? I don't unders-" his mom stopped abruptly to gasp loudly.

...what?" Did she finally firgure out I'm gay?

"You-" his mom's cheeks turned pink.


"You know you should wait till marriage, Tae! Oh, you youngsters these days..." His mom laughed as she fanned herself with her hand.

"Eommoni," Taehyung deadpanned. "What exactly are you talking about?"

"You had- oh, what do you call it these days? You hooked up with Sarang!" His mom looked very proud as she beamed at a flabbergasted Taehyung triumphantly.


"Oh, my TaeTae has grown up so much! Wait till I tell your Appa-"


"Don't be embarrassed, son! We understand completely! Let me tell you a secret- your Appa and I-"

"Eommoni I'm gay!"

His mother dropped her chopsticks and stared at him dead in the eyes without blinkly even once. Taehyung placed down his chopsticks and went through all the five stages of grief as he waited for the silence to end. For some unexplained reason, Seokjin's face floated in his mind but it faded away quickly.

"You are... homosexual?" Taehyung's mom said the word very carefully as if wishing to be corrected just in case she heard it wrong.

"Ye- Yes."

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