Chapter 7

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The volume of the TV kept increasing and increasing as the unsolicited moans, mewls and all sorts of filthy noises that Seokjin did not know Hoseok was capable of making kept getting louder and louder in Yoongi's room.

"How do you even deal with this everyday?" Seokjin asked Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok's flatmate and an old friend of Seokjin who had returned from a short trip just that morning. Namjoon had been sharing his room with Seokjin as it was the biggest bedroom out of the three.

Namjoon, sitting closest to the wall connecting to Yoongi's room with no headphones or anything to protect his sanity, just exhaled a prolonged sigh and pushed his glasses further up his nose as he typed slower on his laptop to answer Seokjin.

"Humans must adapt to survive," was the wise soul's response.

"Don't speak bullshit. You're just single, aren't you?"

"You sound very confident, hyung," Namjoon said with raised brows but his eyes remained on the blue glow of his device.

"Wait- you have something going on?!" Seokjin straightened up on his mattress.

"I meant, you sound very confident on not being single yourself," Namjoon explained, suppressing a smile as he watched Seokjin grow a little red but his dimples betrayed him.

"Of course, I'm single!" Seokjin protested before grumbling quietly, "That's why I'm suffereing with you."


"Otherwise I'd be staying with T- with my partner of course," Seokjin caught himself quickly and looked away as Nmajoon flashed a teasing smile in his direction.

"So there is someone," Namjoon announced in triumph.

"You're speaking bullshit again," Seokjin said, turning the volume higher.

"Hyung, my ears can't take so much noise."

"You'd rather listen to your friends fuck the living daylights out of each other?"

"Better than listening to that stupid biscuit ad every five minutes."

Seokjin turned off the TV and cringed, "Please let's just go outside."

"You go ahead, hyung. I still have some things to wrap up," Namjoon said, his voice growing exhausted along his words.

Seokjin did not miss a beat to fly out of the apartment. The corridor was well lit thankfully but the stairs were not, so Seokjin had to practically run to the terrace before his fear of the dark overclouded him. When he arrived at the rooftop, he could smell the heavy clouds of rain above him and hear the low rumbling of thunder that approached slowly. The terrace was dark except for a small tubelight above the door but the lights from the city made him feel safe.

The petrihcor made him nostalgic and he thought of his parents who still didn't know that he was home after years. He thought of his sister who was once his walking diary and encyclopedia but now she had lost touch with reality. He wanted to blame Kang Sarang for that. He wanted to blame Kang Sarang for taking his sister away from him and their family. But he couldn't. Hyejin was just in love and their parents just didn't understand it. Now Hyejin saw Seokjin as a threat sometimes even though she was the one who had practically begged him to return and reason with their parents.

Petrichor...made him think about Taehyung and warmth bloomed sharp on his cheeks. Taehyung had always been so sweet with him, so gentle with him. There was just something so fascinating about Taehyung that Seokjin couldn't help but feel drawn to him even after all these years.

Seokjin sighed. He and Hyejin had a lot of explaining to do to their parents.


Taehyung: Hey hyung. You up?

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