Chapter 17

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Jungkook: u guys wont believe what happened today

Taehyung placed his apple pen down and relaxed into his swivel chair. He could totally use a break after having designed three winter coats very intricately. His wrist felt like shit and his back could really use an hour-long massage. Maybe he should fix an appointment at the spa with his friends that weekend.

Taehyung: Aren't you supposed to be at work right now?

Jungkook: yea we're almost closing 

Jungkook: also that bitch of a manager didn't show up today either

Taehyung: Oh, she got fired.

Jungkook: wait fr???

Taehyung: For real.

Taehyung smirked a little but his bread cheeks puffed up at the same time. 

Jungkook: OMG

Jungkook: @/Jimin DO YOU HEAR THAT???

Taehyung: Okay but tell us what happened.

Jungkook: okay okay LISTEN

Jungkook: so like i'm doing extra shifts right. so seokjin-sshi arrives and he has this cool scarf on him so I'm like 

Jungkook: cool scarf

Taehyung: Literary genius.

Jungkook: stfu then he smiles, like a SHY smile and guess what he says

Taehyung giggled a little too loudly and looked around to see if anyone heard him and to his embarrassment, a few of his colleagues were staring dead into his soul- some nosey and some wanting to wipe out his extended family for disrupting their focus.

Jungkook: "Oh, actually it's Tae's."

Jungkook: what does that mean hyung

Jungkook: why does he have your scarf

Jungkook: did u guys fuck already

Jimin: Wait who's fucking who

Taehyung: Welcome back.

Jungkook: ANSWER ME???

Taehyung: 💅.

Taehyung stretched his arms and muted his phone as it burst with his best friends' hysteric text notifications. He rubbed his cheeks as it hurt from all that smiling and heating up; he didn't even realize that he was beaming from ear to ear like the biggest gone case. Checking the time, he decided not to overwork himself that evening even though he would receive accusing stares from his colleagues for being the first one to leave. He decided not to feel guilty for once at least.

As he stood up from his desk and began to pack his things, a few intrusive thoughts crawled into his mind and began to dim the happy little light, making his uplifted demeanour start to fall piece by piece until he sat back down and stared at his empty desk. It was alright to leave, right? It's not like he was obligated to finish all of his work in one day because the deadline wasn't knocking at the door yet. However, he would end up staying awake all night thinking about the pending work.

Heaving a exhausted sigh, Taehyung unpacked his bag and went back to work. One day, he would get over this feeling of constant guilt but what if he fell from his well-earned position? 

He decided to check Jungkook and Jimin's messages to help with his sudden mood fluctuation and to his immense pleasure, he found his favoruite name glowing on the screen. Biting his lips, Taehyung swiped on his phone.

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