When they came closer, Ink came up to the desk, where you and Onyx were, while Dream stood behind him, looking at the books and around the library.

Ink held up wanted posters with the pictures of Nightmare, Error, and Cross and spoke, "Can we put these outside your library? These three have started acting up more right now, and we have been looking for them for quite a while now. Since you two are new, I'll let you know that these people are criminals. They spread negative emotions, vandalize, and destroy other places, so watch out for them."

"No," you immediately deny, causing Ink to raise his eyebrow at you and for Dream to feel annoyed and suspicious of you.

"Are you an accomplice of them?" Ink asks you, growing  suspicious as well, eyebrows furrowing and the usual blank expression on his face turning into a displeased one, and you shake your head.

"No. It'll tarnish the atmosphere here, and I don't want that negativity here. Knowing these criminals are on an all-time high will make others worried, and I just want others to enjoy their day and read good books with this nice calm atmosphere in my library," you finalize with a huff and small glare and add, "Lord Dream, I understand your need to protect others of these negative feelings, but please put some thought into what your motives are and why you're doing them. Now, please leave."

A small scowl escapes into Dream's expression for a second before looking at Onyx after giving a nod to you with a neutral expression. Onyx shakes his head, and Dream sighs, scowl turning into a small frown on his face as he replies, "I understand. We will leave you alone now, I hope you have a positively nice day."

Corrupt blanches as he comes out of the mind space when Ink and Dream turn their back on you and Onyx.

When Corrupt blanches, Dream turns around quickly, eye lights wide and looking at you. You jump as well as Ink and stare back in surprise as Dream searches, turning his head around for something before turning back and quickly rushing out of the Library.

As Nightmare comes out of the mind space, you all look at each other, baffled and confused about what happened.

A few hours when you closed the Library, you turned to Cross and told him you needed fresh air.


So, you both went shopping. You smelled the fresh air of the area, the sweet smell of ripe fruits and vegetables, and the strong scent of spices being sold. It was nice.

And you had a list of what to get because even though it was just you and Onyx, food was disappearing fast, and you both didn't know how. So trudging through the open marketplace, you were talking to Nightmare and Corrupt, who were by you, while Whiskers walked by you and Onyx.

After a while of nice peacefulness, a few murmurs began to go throughout the shopping district, worried and scared tones, and you looked around confused. The negativity was much needed, but there wasn't a lot of it, like it was being suppressed. Of course, you knew the reason why. Dream was a... nice leader... you guess, but he was delusional in his own way. No negativity. It made you scoff; obviously, the people here knew that, so negative feelings were suppressed.

It was quite sad, even more so, when people saw Dream here as their savior.

The people began to clear a path for a hooded figure, and you heard someone say 'criminal.'

You tap Onyx's shoulder, and as you're about to talk to him, someone bumps into you, and you both tumble to the ground. Luckily, Onyx catches you, but the other wasn't so lucky.

You look at the hooded figure and almost gasp out loud as you see the scar on the others face and his mismatched eyes.

When Onyx looks at where you are, you can feel him go stiff beside you. When the person looks up, he freezes as well at the sight of Onyx.

Everyone's frozen until you hear footsteps of guards and you quickly kneel down and help put the food and produce that spilled into the bag that they fell out of.

"Hurry and get out of here," you whisper to Cross, and he hurriedly nods, and Onyx helps on his part by using gravitational magic.

As Cross stands, he nods to the both of you before hurrying off.

The guards soon came along with Dream, and Ink came to question the others, and before they got to you and Onyx, you spoke to Nightmare in the mind space.

'Night. I need you to follow Cross, from Dreamswap, and talk to the Meme squad. Because I know that they'll be able to see you. Cross has his own ghost here. And please convince them to come to the library on Sunday after I meet with Dream,' you said, and Nightmare replied, a determined look on his skull.

'Ok, I'll try my best.'

'Thank you.'

Nightmare quickly follows after Cross, and you turn to Onyx, almost collapsing again as Dream gets closer.

"I can teleport us back," Onyx immediately proposes, and you nod your head. Dream and the others weren't close to you yet, so it was okay to leave unnoticed. Holding out your arms for Whiskers to jump into, when he does, Onyx teleports you both back to the library.


Hello, my sprinkles! :33 How are you all?

I'm doing kind of meh. Neither good nor bad.

And Finals are gonna start appearing (T- T), so I might not update for a while, but the day before finals start, I'll update one more chapter before doing finals and then resting for my Christmas break before writing and uploading any more chapters so it might be 1-2 weeks till I update chapter 37 after uploading chapter 36 before finals start.

Oh, how I hate school. 

But I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

Also- shower thought: Why is it called biting down when only your bottom jaw can move?

Have an amazing day/evening/night!

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