Chapter 26- New beginning

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And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John‬ ‭1‬‬:‭14‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Amare P.O.V

"Forgiveness is a topic we discuss a lot in church. God said we should forgive others because he forgives us, right?"

A few amens were heard.

I was preaching to a small crowd today. Most of the elders are at a conference today so I'm talking to people around my age mostly. I felt no pressure.

"The thing is... do we really forgive? Or do we just say we forgive that person but hold a grudge against them. See I have had a lot of people in my past so wrong by me and honestly I'm holding a few grudges right now as I stand in front of y'all."

Elijah and Chloe were on the front row, staring at me proudly. My beautiful girlfriend sat next to them smiling at me.

"I want everyone to think of a person you have trouble forgiving. It could be a parent or an old friend or an ex even."

"Mmm." A woman in the front said with a mug on her face.

I laughed. "I see a few of y'all already thought of your person but, if today, your ready to forgive them I want you to repeat after me,"

"I forgive blank for hurting me."

They began to repeat. "I ask God, that you will forgive them for me until my heart can catch up."

After they finished I went on. "You always forgive us so therefore we will forgive others."

The door in the back opened and a woman walked in. I knew exactly who it is.

I finished my sermon while she sat in the front. She started weeping.

I stared at my mom. My brother turned around to the back of the church and looked at her. It was dead silent and she was crying. Suddenly she stood up and walked out.

Well this isn't awkward....

We all looked at each other with blank faces.

I sighed. "Let's pray."
Aniyah P.O.V

Amares first time preaching went well in my opinion. This lady started crying and I don't understand what happened. I wanted to give her a hug to be honest but she left.

"So how'd I do?" Amare asked me. He had on black slacks and a black sweater with his normal gold chain. 

"You did good bae. I was just a bit distracted..."

"Oh, yeah. My mom."

"Your mom?!" I covered my mouth.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the church lobby away from everyone else.

"That was my mom. I'm just as confused why she was here, I think something really wrong." He said while putting his hands in his pockets

"You know maybe we should do a little investigating. She showed up on your doorstep just last week and usually you only see her every couple months."

He nodded his head. "Yeah. Something's definitely up."

Elijah and Chloe came rushing down the hallway. Well Elijah was rushing, Chloe wobbled as fast as she could.

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