Chapter 6- Jeremiah 1:5

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"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,. before you were born I set you apart;. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." ~ Jeremiah 1:5

-Aniyah Zai

What a day.

I just left Amare's house. I feel so bad for Elijah. To be so young and in his position, I know he feels bad. I'm proud that he wants to be there for Chloe and the baby, for a guy his age, that takes a lot of courage.

He kept telling me no matter what happens, God got him.

If only I could have faith like that....

Now that my plans with Amare are canceled, i'm going to head over to Salome's house. She called me last night after our family meeting and told me she was having a problem with Keziah.

She didn't tell me what exactly but im going to go see whats wrong with my baby.

I guess I have to be everyone's superwoman today.

Even though a lot is going on with my "inheritance", and stuff with my family and Elijah, all I can think about is Amare. He's been here this whole time, and hes known me personally for less than a week.

I'm starting to feel like I can tell him anything, but why does that scare me....

I got out of my head and pulled up to my sisters house. Kevene was outside playing with the boys. I stepped out the car only to be ambushed by three little humans with curly fro's.

My nephews are your typical little boys. The three of them were inseparable, they all are 2 years apart.

Kevene Jr, or Kj, was the oldest of the bunch. He's about to be 7 years old. Then we have Kamari and Kayden, who are 5 and 3.

"Auntie can I drive your car?" Kamari asked me innocently as he jumped up in the driver seat of my car turning the wheel playfully.

"Kamari we have talked about this, for the last time no" I picked him up, closing the car door behind him and sat him on my hip. Kamari's latest obsession is cars.

Keeping up with my niece and my nephews obsessions are too much. Every week they change their favorite color and etc. It makes me wonder if I could even handle having kids as well as Salome does. Even though she has 4 children and one on the way, she keeps up with all the kids preferences and makes sure they all have equal time with her.

Kamari and Kayden ran off a while ago to play ball with Kevene. I walked with Kamari all the way to the front porch then sat him down and he ran off to the others. I debated on saying hi to Kevene as I looked over and saw he was being tackled by the boys, he was screaming for air. I laughed at them then went into the house to find Keziah.

She was upstairs in her room. I knocked softly before coming in.

"Hi Keziah, how are you my love." I sat next to her on her bed giving her a side hug. She had on a bright yellow dress and her 3c hair was up in a bun, a few curly pieces fell out of it. Her medium toned skin was red around her eyes. Shes been crying.

"What's up mamas..." I whispered to her while I played with a curly piece of hair falling out of her bun.

"I don't know who I am" she looked at me.

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