Chapter 12- Genesis 2:24

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"For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard."
‭‭Romans‬ ‭3:23‬ ‭NLT‬‬
I recommend listening to the song as you read!

Her light is so bright and beautiful. I'm kneeling at her feet. I felt water on my face. I touched my cheek... tears.

She's sitting on a throne, a sparkly gold crown on her head. A gold ray of light was all around her. She was smiling down at me. Her kinky hair was in a long braid with gold accessories dangling in between the strands of her hair. It's Aniyah.

I continued to cry at her feet. I don't know where I am or how I got here but all I feel is peace. A peace that I never want to end. The presence of God all around us.

I looked up at her, she gently touched my head. I want to speak, say something, anything. Maybe I should express how beautiful she really is, the way she makes me feel, how bad I want her to be mine. Before a syllable could leave my lips a loud, strong, feminine voice boomed in my head.

"She's your Amare, given to you by God."
I woke up, scrambling out of bed. I was covered in sweat.

It was an angel. It had to be.... and she spoke to me.

What does she mean Aniyahs mine? She looked so gorgeous in that dream. God really told me she's mine. She's mine.

I calmed down and tried to push the dream to the back of my head. I debated if I should call her and tell her but something told me to wait. It's not the time.

God reveals things to me in dreams all the time and it always happens. It's one of the ways he speaks to me the most.

I grabbed my jacket and headed out the door. I'm on the way to Aniyah's house. It's my first time being there.

When I got to the apartment complex I parked in the parking garage and walked to the front entrance. I greeted the doorman and he called Aniyah to let me in.

When I made it her door I knocked. She opened the door with her faux locs in a messy bun and an oversized shirt with sweats.

She so beautiful man.

"Took you long enough." She said with a giggle.

"Well hello to you too miss thing."

I walked in and handed her the breakfast I picked up along the way.

Her place is nice, if only I could afford something like this, one day tho.

"You can sit anywhere, and sorry for the mess I had to go over some of my clients accounts." She said as she collected papers off the couch.

When she was finished I sat down and she went to the kitchen island to eat her breakfast.

We sat in silence for a bit. The tension is strong, well at least I feel tension. God told me this woman is my wife and I'm just supposed to sit here and-

"Amare. I needa tell you something." She said interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah what's up?"

"I think Ima sell the business..."

The expression on her face was blank. "Why Aniyah?"

"Well, it's not fulfilling me anymore. I want to commit myself to the church. I'm learning more about God and this may sound crazy but I think he spoke to me..." she smiled at the last thing she said.

"What did he say?"

"Well, I was sitting in the exact spot you are, and I just got the thought Sell the business commit to the church...I ignored it. Then it kept happening, at the weirdest times I just get the thought to sell my business, every since we had that conversation I haven't been at peace."

"God does work in mysterious ways, this is a big step so I say that you continue to pray about it and ask for confirmation and God will reveal it to you." I told her in a reassuring tone.

"Thank you Amare, but, I don't get why God wants me out of all people to take over a responsibility as big as this."

"Like I told you last time we talked, he saw you Aniyah, no one else. Walk in that, okay? Don't question it, just embrace it and everything will be okay."

"Mmm, what would I do without you Amare." She smiled to herself and finished her breakfast.
~Aniyah's P.O.V

Amare stayed over for a while, I felt better after we talked.

I'm relearning who God is but I know for sure he brought Amare to me and I am so grateful. Right now, I'm sitting in my moms living room. I decided it was time we talked, for real this time.

"How are you baby?" My mom asked while bringing me a cup of tea. Her silver coils were pulled up into a puff.

"I'm fine mom, just been thinking."

"Well, let me be the first to apologize. I shouldn't have told the church about you taking over... it was wrong."

"I already forgave you, everything happens for a reason I guess."

She sat next to me. I looked around the living room. It's so quiet in here since my dad passed. I worked so much that I rarely had time to come over here and sit with them but I regret that so much.

"How are you mom, not too bored in this house are you?"

"No, no. I'm fine. I stay busy."

"That's good mom, I wanted to tell you I'm thinking of selling the design company."

She gasped. This lady is so dramatic....

"SELL IT?!" She got up and jumped for joy.

"Why are you so happy?!" I asked her with a laugh.

"Listen." She sat back down and grabbed my hand, "your dad and I knew that the design business would not fulfill you. I knew this would happen. You want to work in the church don't you?" She asked me with a smile.

"Yes mom, I do." I don't want to disappoint my mom but it's true I do want to pursue the church.

"Thank God!" She jumped up and started dancing, all I could do was laugh at her.

"The Lord told us that this was your purpose. To lead the next generation of our church Aniyah! This is so big, your fathers dream is coming true..." She sat down, her eyes became teary.

I pulled her in a hug. "I'm going to try my best mom I promise."

She let me go and sighed. She looked so happy. "How are you and God?"

I sighed. "It's been going mom, I'm trying to read my Bible more and talk to him you know.."

"That's good. Remember that you can always come to me with any questions, and I'm sure Amare is willing to help..." She winked when she said his name.

Here we go.

"Mom stop it! Not again."

"Aniyah you know you like that man, you are 28 years old. It's okay." She said with a laugh.

"Okay I may like him a bit, I'm just still a bit embarrassed with what happened at the welcome home party..."

"Oh that was rough."

I rolled my eyes. "Thank you for making me feel better."

"It's okay we all make mistakes, but you know I told you no alcohol at that event."

I nodded my head. "I know, I'm sorry."

She put her hand on my knee. "It's okay dear, but your not getting any younger. If you feel a way about him. Tell him."

I know she's right.

"I love you." I laid my head on her shoulder. It's moments like this I miss my dad the most.

"I love you more."

Word Count- 1300
-This is just a short chapter "fill-in" chapter for what's to come.
-I appreciate all the love guys!❤️

-God Bless ❤️

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