Chapter 10- Lovers or Friends

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Genesis 1:28
-And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

-Aniyah Zai

Baby Kemiah sure did make an entrance coming into this world.

Salome was in fact on the verge of bleeding out when she gave birth. She was high risk and was on bed rest last month, so her doctors were prepared and stopped the bleeding.

When I arrived Tevin lectured me about my red dress from my date that night, he said I need to be more "modest". The whole time we was at the hospital Tevin was a hot mess... you would think it was his child being born.

Everything bothered that man, he pretty much terrorized the poor nurses.

Kevene was fine during the delivery, after all this is his fifth kid.

It was beautiful watching the kids meet their new sister. Especially Keziah, she finally got her sister after being surrounded around little boys for 13 years. She cried as soon as she saw Kemiah.

My mom and I barely spoke during our stay at the hospital. I know she felt bad and to be honest I'm not all that mad, just disappointed we couldn't have an open conversation about it before she choose to tell the whole congregation my dad gave me the church....

Anyways... it's been three days since these events. I been staying at Salome house watching the kids, and let me just say this ain't a joke.

I never been so tired.

I just finished giving Kamari and Kayden a bath. Keziah offered to make breakfast so she was downstairs doing that. Kj was in his room on the game.

I decided to throw a welcome home party for Kevene and Salome today. They are supposed to be back by 3pm.

I invited only family and a few friends. I wanted this to be a personal and small event.

I ordered all the food earlier and it should be on its way now.

The kids and I put a welcome home banner up and decorated the back yard with pink decorations.

We all got dressed and relaxed until the guest started to arrive.

The first person to come was my mom, then Tevin and Mahogany arrived. Amare came after them, we didn't talk much...

I invited my assistant Emani. I also invited Malachi. He was a friend of mine from college. He played on our schools football team, he was going to go pro until an injury. I've been meaning to reconnect so why not now. Plus my family is cool with him. I suspect he will bring his girlfriend too.

I invited some of Salomes homegirls from church and that's all. My mom made sure that Ms. Abrams was there and a few of their other friends.


"SURPRISE" we all yelled when Salome and Kevene walked through the door. Salome bust out crying when she saw all that we did. I ran straight to Kemiah. She was sleeping in her carrier .

I can't get over how beautiful she is. Makes me think if I'm ready for kids...

Everyone was outside in the backyard enjoying themselves, I stayed inside to wait for the other guest. Plus Kemiah was sleeping in a cot in the living room and I offered to watch her while Salome got a quick nap in.

The house was quiet other than the background noise of the Christian music my mom requested us to play for them outside.

The back door opened.

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