The Marauder spoke, forcing a threatening tone, "You aren't going anywhere." before pulling the boy back next to him and thoughtlessly tossed the Blue Spider lily towards Muzan who caught it with excitement flowing through his body. Muzan said underneath his breath while raising the Blue Spider Lily:

"With this, I will become perfect…!" Muzan brought the plant close to his body as it morphed to absorb the plant into his essence. The demon king's body began to convulse widely as his skin pulsated. His pupils remained red but the color of his skin began to shift back into a normal color. A bead of sweat formed on Tanjiro's forehead, he quickly looked towards the Cultist Marauder to see his reaction. The demon's expression didn't change as he blankly stared at Muzan's transformation and watched as the demon began to chuckle to himself.

Tanjiro didn't understand why the Marauder was so calm about this, Muzan will be invincible if Nichirin Blades won't work on him now! The demon king's chuckles began to evolve into insane laughter as he couldn't contain his overwhelming excitement and pleasure any longer and stated, "How foolish of you to allow me to reach perfection like this! No one can stop me now!" Muzan extended his arm which transformed into a humongous, spiked tentacle that zoomed towards Tanjiro. The boy could barely see the attack coming and he had no time to dodge. The Marauder's lightning-fast reflexes allowed him to activate his argent axe and sever the tentacle before it hit Tanjiro. The boy couldn't remotely process the night sentinel's speed, it was ridiculously fast. He only saw a blur of bright red pass in front of him that saved him from danger.

The demon king retracted his arm and attempted to regenerate but was unable to, just like the last time he was wounded by the Marauder's argent axe. The Cultist Marauder explained, "Immunity to the sun doesn't grant immunity to Argent. You would be wise to remember that." Tanjiro was amazed by the Marauder's strength and speed. However, his eyes were now glued to the Argent Axe that saved him and took note of the fact that Argent Energy is still able to stop Muzan. There is hope after all!

Muzan removed his arm so he could regenerate a new one. After doing so and regenerating his new limb, he flexed his arm around to get adjusted to it as he responded, "Is there something I should know about you and that boy? Why do you insist on keeping him alive?"

"This boy must live in order to lure out the Doom Slayer. Killing him would be ill-advised, lest you wish to incur the wrath of the Doom Slayer." Muzan didn't buy the Marauder's explanation and gave the demonic night sentinel a skeptical look. There was a brief silence before the Marauder continued, "Now that you've reached 'perfection', the Dark Lord will replicate your regenerative abilities for the rest of Hell's armies."

Muzan assumed a fighting stance as he complained, "I refuse! My power is mine and mine alone! I will not allow my perfection to be shared amongst others!" The demon king was silenced once several portals opened next to him and through those portals emerged the Marauder's night Sentinel squad.

The Avenger (Sentinel name: Tux), emerged through the portal with this Argent Rapier ignited and ready to go. Through another portal, the Crusader (Sentinel name: Vilsiff) revealed herself as a very muscular yet tiny night sentinel, wearing a modified version of the Sentinel training armor that was made to be wide enough to fit her body but small at the same time. She carried an enormous boardsword, composed of Immoran metal, that was much larger than she was, that rested on one shoulder.

The Reaver (Sentinel name: Orkos), was a demonic night sentinel of average height, donning crimson-red Immoran armor with a special visor jutting out in front of his helmet. He had several ammo belts slung around various parts of his body, all carrying numerous slug rounds for the Immoran Shotgun he carried with him, equipped with a large, extended barrel meant for snipers.

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