Ch. 8 - Hensbane and Poppies

Start from the beginning

"Hey, my Angel's Trumpet? I asked if you wanted any?"

(Y/n) broke him out of his thoughts by throwing a small rock at Doma's head.

"Oh! Um, I'd like to try it! Do you eat it raw or cook it?"

"I don't know, I just eat it raw. It's easier than building a whole fire in the ass crack of the woods, don't you think? Unless you'd prefer it cooked?"

(Y/n) chuckled and awkwardly pulled a few big bowls out of his sleeve, putting all the good meat into them before clasping his hands together in another prayer.
With that, (y/n) ran his hands over all the remaining parts of the bear and took a deep breath.

"Demon blood art: Flowers of the Dead.."

He whispered and the remains began to glow, suddenly bursting into a patch of flowers.
Doma blinked in awe, only ever having heard about (y/n)s powers, but only seeing two gave him a good sense of his strength.
His katana seems to be his main source of power in terms of strength, similar to Kokushibo, but he still didn't doubt that (y/n) could hold his own in battle if he was fully aware.
Doma was lost in his thoughts again, failing to realize (y/n) kept throwing rocks and waving his arms around to get his attention.
(Y/n) gave up and sat down by the bowls, beginning to dig in and eat his fill happily.

"Hold on... why are you being so friendly out of nowhere? Not that I'm complaining!"

Doma asked and sat down next to (y/n) after a few more moments of silence.
(Y/n) hummed thoughtfully and finished the food in his mouth before speaking.

"Well, I suppose it's because it's just nicer to eat with others? Plus, I feel a tiny bit bad because I forgot you where with me and you ran into a tree.. I don't hate hate you, I just hate how touchy you are."

(Y/n) chuckled and ate another piece of food.
Doma blinked and frowned, grabbing a peice of meat and eyeing it.

"So all I had to do was bring you food and you'd like me? Is that how you're such good friends with the others?"

Doma asked before taking a bite, earning himself a side eye from (y/n).

"I'm not that shallow. Plus, they're not all wierd and touchy. I also wouldn't eat anything you bring me."

(Y/n) huffed through mouthful of food.
Doma chuckled and shook his head as the two continued to sit in silence.

"Oh, I forgot to give you the tea I made!"

Doma chirped and reached into his pocket, pulling out a flask and handing it to (y/n).
After finishing what he was eating, (y/n) took the flask and opened it, wafting the scent towards himself.
It indeed smelt like ordinary jasmine tea, but he couldn't figure out what kind of honey Doma used.
Almost as if he read (y/n)s mind, Doma smiled and spoke.

"I bought the honey from a cute little night shop in town if you want to give it a look? Though, I'm not sure what you'd really be expecting. Just a small shop ran by an old guy that wouldn't be worth eating."

Doma smiled and shrugged.
(Y/n) eyed him suspiciously and sipped the tea.
Not tasting anything off, he continued to drink it until it was all gone and gave the flask back to Doma.
He put the flask back into his pocket and looked at (y/n) with a serious expression.

"I want to challenge you for your rank."

"What the fuck?"

Was (y/n)s imitate reaction, causing Doma to sigh.

"I want to challenge you. If I win, I'll leave you alive, but I'll take your rank! If you win, you'll keep your rank and you could kill me if you'd like!"

Doma said in a joyful tone and clasped his hands together.
(Y/n) looked at him like he was crazy, but he didn't want to miss this opportunity to finally shut him up.

"Come on, it'll be fun! And I'll definitely win, so you won't have any more responsibilities! I also request that you cut ties with any and all demons that rank higher than lower moon three!"

Doma said in a cheerful yet cocky tone, causing (y/n) to get irked by his statements.

"You really think you'll win, huh? If you really want to fight for ranks, I won't be holding back."

"Oh, I'm counting on it! Don't hold back and give it your all! I'm so curious to see all these moves that killed the demon's before me! Fight me with the intention to kill, my lovely Apple Blossom!"

Doma winked and stood up, pulling one of his fans out and covering the bottom half of his face as he walled away.

"Follow me when you're ready, my lovely Apple Blossom!"

Doma called back to (y/n) and vanished.

"Well, shit..."

(Y/n) muttered and jumped up, leaving the bowls and beginning to walk towards Doma's aura.

"His cryokinesis is actually pretty annoying... how am I meant to get around it with how I fight? Ugh, this is stupid. I don't have any moved that are 'hot' than I can use right off the bat. This is going to get annoying fast... maybe I shouldn't have accepted this. Well, it's too late now."

(Y/n) groaned and put one of his hands to his chin to think.

"He's smart too, I've gotta give him that. If I tried pulling any tricks, he'd catch on too fast to pull them off if he's seen me use them. Maybe snapdragon? That might work, but if he withstands it I'm fucked. God, damn it. All I can do is try and pray to the gods that have abandoned me to help me this one time."

(Y/n) sighed as he stepped into a large field, Doma just across from him.



1,956 words not including these!


Hello, my dear reader! I hope you enjoyed this longer chapter! This is going to be part 1 of 2 because I don't want to make them too long! Sorry this one took me a few days to put up! I'll probably be putting off the next part till my mid term exams are over, my sincerest apologies! The next part of this chapter also needs me to do a bit of digging on Doma's blood art so I don't mix anything up, so hopefully you'll enjoy it! With that, I bid you farwell for now, dear reader! Have a fabulous day/night!


《{Secrets unlocked: x3! Botany book updated: x2!}》

《{Jasmine flowers: commonly used to symbolize 'love, beauty, and sensuality'! The tea promotes calmness, mood improvement, and mental clarity!}》

《{Oleander flowers: commonly used to symbolize the complicated nature of love and relationships! They are extremely toxic, just one leaf can kill an adult human!}》

《{Doma did not enjoy eating the bear meat, while (y/n) was thrilled!}》

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