"Oh, come on, Larissa. He's a fucking monster." Dean says.

"He's a fucking kid." Larissa argues. "He made some mistakes, and sure some are really shitty mistakes, but we don't have to kill him." Larissa says.

"Maybe he's a kid, but he's not our kid!" Dean shouts.

"Yes, he is!" Larissa yells. "He's our kid." She motions between her and Sam. "And he's Cas' kid. Maybe you don't give a shit, but we do -- I do -- and I'm not letting you fucking kill him."

"Oh, so what? He's a replacement for the son you lost?" Dean asks making Larissa flinch.

Sam's face hardens and he punches Dean before he's able to stop himself.

"You do not wanna fucking go there." Sam growls, towering over his brother.

"What? You lose one son, so you adopt the first one you can find." Dean remarks.

"Shut the fuck up!" Sam shouts, pushing his brother. "Don't talk to her like that. If you're gonna be a dick, don't talk to her at all!"

"This applies to you too." Dean states.

"I don't fucking care! You're not hurting her!" Sam shouts, shoving Dean again.

"Sammy, the-- the ki..." Larissa trails off when she doesn't see Athena or Liam in his car seat. "Sa-Sam." She calls, but the brothers don't hear her over their arguing.

Larissa sighs, rushing out of the room, searching for her kids. She finds Athena sitting in the hallway outside the kitchen with Liam's car seat next to her.

"Hey, baby." Larissa softly greets. She sits across from her daughter, making sure both her children are okay. "What happened? How'd you get here?"

"I didn't like all of Uncle Dean's yelling." Athena frowns.

"Yeah, I don't like it either. Did you drag the car seat all the way over here?" Larissa asks and Athena nods. "Mm. That makes you pretty strong. Even I would get tired of dragging it, those car seats are heavy. Especially with the baby in them."

"I couldn't pick it up or else I would've gone in the library or the kitchen. But I didn't wanna leave him alone in the hallway."

"That's okay, baby. It's okay."

"Is Uncle Dean mad?"

"Yes. But not at you or mommy or daddy."

"At Jack?"

"Yeah. Yeah, he's mad at Jack."

"Because Jack killed daddy's mommy?"

"How-- how do you know what happened?"

"You guys aren't the quietest talkers... and you wouldn't explain where grandma or Jack were when we walked to town."

"Right. It's... yes, Jack killed daddy's mommy. But... but it's nothing for you to worry about because... because we're safe."

"Jack wouldn't hurt us, right?"

"No. No, of course not."

"Where is he?"

"We don't know. We have to find him."

"But he's gonna be okay?"

"As long as I can help it, yeah." Larissa nods.


The three hunters walk into a building as a man on a scooter passes them. Larissa is holding Liam's car seat and Sam is holding Athena's hand. They look around as they walk through the room.

iris, supernatural [ 2 ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن