Your My Bestfriend Part 1

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Wade had a crush on his best friend Peter Parker ever since they were in high school. They had known each other since they were five. Both boys lived on the same block and would occasionally run into each other over the years. Not to mention Wade's Mom was friends with Peter's Aunt.

That meant lots of awkward visits to each other's houses. Usually Wade was told to go play with Peter or vise versa. They had a silent agreement to ignore one another. Peter always brought a comic book or some science thing Wade didn't or want to understand. Wade always had his Gameboy Advanced in his pocket ready to pull out whenever needed.

That was how their relationship was until middle school. Wade was part of the popular crowd he was considered good looking and athletic. Peter was more of a recluse sticking to himself or a few friends. He got straight A's he wasn't ugly by any means but none of the girls payed him any attention.

Wade was to say the opposite of Peter in every way. He was bold, brash, and constantly getting into trouble just for the laughs. He also saw Peter look at him during his outbursts during the middle of class before going back to whatever book he was reading effectively pretending Wade didn't exist like their old routine.

Wade started getting in even more trouble though after his mom died. No one knew why not even him. Wade started having memory loss issues no one could tell him exactly why she was gone either. His dad was gone to though he didn't remember liking him that much so he didn't shed a tear over him.

Some people tried to make up rumors that he killed them. He almost believed it sometimes with the intrusive thoughts he kept getting. The doctors said he hadn't but what did they know? They couldn't remember anything about her just as much as he could.

They said they he had trauma and was repressing painful memories whatever that meant. He choose to not let his past define him so he simply moved on.  Instead of acting out about his mom's death he gave it up mellowing out by the eighth grade.

Wade was still crazy and obnoxious but he was no longer violent towards his classmates. If someone bumped into him his first instinct wasn't to smash their face into the pavement anymore. He still had to see a therapist twice a week though to keep him in check.

Wade and Peter had started the year off as always. Pretending one another don't exist. That was until they got seated next to each other in Earth and Space Science. Wade was doing his usual class disrupting. He was making an inappropriate joke about someone's mom when Peter turned to look at him.

They made eye contact for about five seconds. That was enough for Wade being the social butterfly he was to talk to Peter. "Hey, Parker what's wrong? You're usually to shy to even make eye contact with me." Wade said he leaned back in his chair with his hands behind his head.

"I'm not shy I just don't bother to interact with idiots." Peter mumbled quietly. Wade didn't catch all of it but he managed to get the I don't interact with idiots part.

"Hey, you little-" Wade said he stop talking as his chair tipped backwards sending him onto the floor. Everyone in the classroom laughed Wade felt his face turn red with embarrassment. The teacher said something to him he didn't hear it in his rage.

Wade hadn't acted out in a while not more than a dirty jokes the teachers were so used to they ignored it. Wade saw red he got up and threw a punch. He didn't even know where or how he did it. Next thing he knew he was out of the classroom sitting in the office waiting for the principal to see him.

Peter was there to he looked out of place. He was the quiet good kid who got good grades. He looked absolutely mortified to be in that office chair. "Quit hyperventilating." Wade growled he kicked the leg of Peter's chair.

"Shut up! Were only here because you decided to act out in class and punch me!" Peter snapped back he was holding an ice pack to his eye. The lenses on his glasses were cracked he was holding onto them staring at them mournfully.

"Well you embarrassed me." Wade said trying to come up with a good reason.

"You did that to yourself you are the idiot who leaned backwards!" Peter said he shot Wade a venomous glare. Even with only one eye visible Wade could see all the hatred Peter now had for him. Wade squirmed uncomfortably in his seat he avoided Peter's gaze now.

Peter got off with a warning not to antagonize Wade. Wade got a in school suspension for two weeks. They didn't do our of school because they knew he'd like being out of school. He didn't care about his grades so that wouldn't be a motivator either. Since then their relationship changed. Peter hated Wade and Wade hated Peter.

Highschool started and Wade straightened his act out. For real this time. No more inappropriate jokes, disrupting class, or starting fights. He only made his jokes with his friends when he wasn't in class. He was still Wade Wilson not perfect.

Everyone was surprised by his summer transformation. They asked what happened to him he said he just got his act together. It was amazing in reality what three months of boot camp could do for a guy. Wade was forced to sit next to Peter again. They moved them last time since Wade decked him in the face.

They avoided one another acting like each other didn't exist. If Peter still hated him he didn't say it. They hesitantly worked on a few projects together. They were even able to hold a conversation without fighting. Peter helped Wade with his homework sometimes when he needed it granted Wade payed him. Which he was fine with. Their relationship changed they now were able to tolerate each other and even able to have conversations. They were now acquaintances.

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