Your My Best Friend Part 2

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Wade was at Peter's house they were doing homework together. Wade had asked if they could hangout outside of him tutoring him or school. Surprisingly Peter said yes. Their relationship had grown Wade found that he liked talking to Peter. He didn't judge him and he tried to understand something even if he didn't get it.

Wade may or may not also be developing a crush on him. Wade found himself blushing around Peter like a thirteen year old girl with her crush. He knew that he liked guys and girls but he still didn't expect to crush on Peter of all people. Not that he was bad he was smart, he had really adorable brown doe eyes- Wade stopped that thought he had it bad.

"Um, hello Wade?" Peter asked he looked concerned at the teen. He had been spacing out for the last few minutes deep in thought about something. Peter couldn't tell he didn't want to know what with Wade. Peter's words weren't enough to bring the teen out of his stupor so Peter snapped his fingers in front of Wade's face.

Wade blinked he was finally out of his trance like spell. "What were we talking about again?" Wade asked giving Peter a sheepish smile. Peter groaned but he told him the question they were on again. Wade tried to answer it was hard when he watched Peter stare at him expectancy with those doe eyes.

A few weeks later Peter was evidently dating Gwen Stacy. Wade knew he couldn't be envious or mad. He hadn't made his move. Wade was always able to flirt with anyone even if they didn't return his advances. So why was Peter different? Everytime he tried to say something flirty he felt his mouth clamp up.

It was strange to be able to make Wade Wilson be quiet. Wade guessed that this was a real crush. He now understood how everyone felt. The constant longing to be near Peter and to want his gaze on him not some stupid girl-

Wade stopped his train of thought. He was getting angry as he gazed at Gwen from across the science room. He took a few breaths in and out. It wasn't his place to dictate who Peter dated. He hadn't made his move so Gwen had. She had every right to be with Peter.

Wade didn't feel much Peter after telling himself this over the next couple of weeks. It was able to quell his burning jealousy into a more manage fire. He never snapped at Gwen or tried to break them up. He was happy that Peter was happy. He was lying to himself when he said that. But he would not interfere because Peter deserved to be loved. He would just have to suffer threw it.

Wade had just gotten used the idea of Peter being with Gwen when they weren't together anymore. Peter had called him during the middle of the night to tell him that Gwen broke up with him. Wade had been furious how could someone break Peter's heart like that?

He calmed down since Peter asked him to but it was very hard. He would do anything Peter asked him to even ignore the violent thoughts in his head. Wade was getting better he didn't say he was perfect. Besides, he had enough self respect to know that if he got into a fight with Gwen he could badly hurt her. So he restrained again.

They had broken up because Gwen's dad hadn't liked Peter. What a prick. Who wouldn't like Peter? Wade comforted his friend over a movie and ice cream. Wade was glad that Peter trusted him enough to put his heart out to him. Wade still felt bad for him even if he hadn't liked his relationship with Gwen.

Wade thought that it was finally over. Now he could work up the courage to finally ask Peter out. Then a long came Betty Brant into the picture. When Wade heard that Peter was going out with the Daily Bugle secretary he was less than pleased.

At least Gwen was a sweet girl who acknowledged his existence when Peter and Wade were sitting together at lunch. Wade didn't know Betty so he had a lot harder time containing his jealousy. "Hey buddy about that girl your dating. Isn't she like two years to old for you?" Wade asked hoping that Peter would see his point.

"I mean even sweet old aunt May is kinda wanting you to dump her. That's saying something since May absolutely loved Gwen." Wade said he tensed up once he saw Peter glare at him. Getting glared at by Peter was like getting hissed at by a kitten. Wade still didn't like it directed at him he didn't like making Peter mad.

"Betty is my girlfriend and you can get over it. I've had enough people try to break us up. I don't need you to try as well. I'm sixteen and Betty's eighteen so it's fine. So stop trying to interfer." Peter snapped.

Wade nodded despite the voice in the back of his head wanting to tell Peter everything so that he wouldn't date Betty. He knew that it would be selfish to do that so he once again quelled all his feelings. They were friends. Peter saw them as friends. So they should be friends anyways.

Besides, Peter was clearly attracted to woman. Wade wasn't that so he couldn't be with Peter. "Okay your right. I won't interfere. I'm sorry." Wade said he stood up from where they'd been doing homework on Wade's floor. He stretched before holding the door open for Peter.

"It's getting late you should probably go before aunt May files a police report again. Seriously you can't go anywhere for long without your aunt worrying. I mean at least she cares." Wade said he smiled at Peter trying to change the mood in the room.

"Yeah the fact that it was all because I forgot my book at your house. I didn't charge my phone so she couldn't get a hold of me. So now I make sure to always charge it." Peter said he chuckled at the memory. Wade felt his heart race ad he saw Peter's smile. He was beautiful.

"Thanks for understanding man. See you some other time." Peter said he waved. Peter's hand briefly brushed Wade's causing a bright red blush to spring to his face and what felt electricity to shoot up his arm. Wade was utterly doomed.

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