I'm Your Biggest Fan Part 3

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Peter was so happy over the next few days people noticed. Jameson was convinced he was taking some new kind of street drug. The man always saw Peter when he was the most miserable he guessed that assumption was fair. His friends wanted to know who the lucky "lady" was. Aunt May was simply just glad he was happy and didn't push for him to tell her why.

The press has unsurprisingly gotten a hold of their date. If that was what one wanted to call it. They were saying Peter was trying to trick Wade for some evil scheme. Peter rolled his eyes at it annoyed.

Wade's manger had tried to pressure him into doing a official statement and interviews about his date. Since it'd give him "publicity." Wade didn't care about that he was mad that his wonderful date with Spidey was being broadcasted on every news site and people were slandering the web slinger even now.

It seemed Spidey's love life wasn't even safe. Peter wondered who the poor guy was. He must have to deal with a lot from the public. Wade was surprised that they weren't going after him as well. Evidently he was being swayed by Peter and tricking him. At least it was better then the theory that Peter was mind controlling him with his spider powers.

That reminded Wade he had Spidey's number. He hadn't called or texted it in the weeks that he'd had it. With all the buzz about Wade and a new movie coming out he was in he will admit he'd gotten distracted. He knew he needed to send Spidey a text soon he couldn't have his dear little web slinger thinking he didn't care now did he?

Peter was at the Bugle he was editing some photos of himself for the front page. It was boring work but at least Jameson didn't make to much of a fuss if he ran off. Of course he'd yell at him then tell Peter what a "generous big hearted man he was." Then Peter would be told to get to work.

Peter was rolling his eyes to yet another headline on the news about him and Wade. It wasn't that big of a deal but people sure seemed to think so. Especially the people over at this network they thought he was trying to recruit Wade to his cult?

Peter chuckled at how stupid it was. Peter was about to go back to make fun of the stupid headline in his head when he got a text. He didn't expect much thinking it was probably aunt May asking him to pick up some eggs.

Instead he saw Wade's name flash up he nearly dropped his already cracked phone in the process of trying to unlock it. Peter swiped the call button he put his phone up to his ear hurriedly. Peter felt excitement go threw him when Wade started speaking.

"Good afternoon baby boy. How about we stop for lunch? My treat." Wade asked.

"Yeah yeah I've just got it wrap a few things up here and then I'll be on my way." Peter said he was grinning he already knew people were staring at him. Peter hurriedly finished editing the photos before he shipped them off to Jameson's email.

He grabbed his coat and ran into the nearest secluded alley he could find. Peter changed into his Spiderman outfit he was soon swinging on his webs to get to the spot him and Wade and agreed on same as last time. He made it just on time he dropped down behind Wade.

Wade jumped not having seen the spider hero. "Oh hello didn't see you drop in." Wade joked. Peter let out a chuckle at it he felt Wade grab his hand on his. Wade started leading him into the restaurant.

"So the great Spiderman has a regular day job?" Wade asked amused as walked up the counter.

"Uh yeah I do being Spiderman doesn't exactly pay the bills." Peter said he wished it did since he spent so much time being a hero.

Wade hummed while he grabbed their food. Peter let out an annoyed huff causing Wade to look at him concerned. "What?" He asked.

"You already paid for the food. I should at least carry it." Peter whined he didn't like feeling useless and unhelpful.

"Spidey babes you're carrying me the rooftop again aren't you? That's plenty enough besides you can't carry me and the food at the same time." Wade said he was grinning as if he was challenging Peter. Peter was stubborn so that's how he ended up on the top of the Oscorp building with Wade.

"Their I did it happy?" Peter asked.

"Very it was great seeing how strong you are." Wade said he squeezed Peter's arm making him blush. Peter swore he couldn't be around this man without instantly blushing. "Now that I think about it we don't know much about each other. Which is surprising considering we have been on two dates." Wade said in-between bites of his food.

"Yeah?" Peter asked curious. It was true Peter knew nothing about Wade except for what the internet had told him which he was sure all of it wasn't true. Wade knew less of Peter since he didnt even know what Peter's name or face looked like.

"Wanna play a game? Twenty questions? So we can get to know each other a little better?" Wade asked. Peter nodded a nervous smile on his face. He was excited to learn more about Wade. He felt a uneasy feeling in his stomach he was worried Wade would ask about identity.

He knew that Wade should know but it wasn't like they were officially dating yet. "Okay I'll start. What's your name? As much as I like calling you nicknames it'd be nice to know your actual name." Wade said he didn't know if Peter would answer this question or not.

Peter fought himself in his head for a few seconds. Finally he sighed their was a lot of people in New York. Probably several millions of Peter's so he relented. "My name is Peter." Peter said he was nervous so his voice was an octave higher than usual.

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