Oh My Deer Part 5

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Peter blinked his eyes open he groaned. Everything hurt he could feel his muscles protesting as he tried to sit up. He coughed and he winced. It had caused pain that spread throughout his body with each cough getting progressively worse. Peter shook his head his mind was still catching up it felt like a thick fog had settled over it.

Peter knew he should be doing something be didn't know what though. He racked his brain before he looked over beside him. He nearly felt his heart metaphorically leap out of his chest at the sight he saw. Wade was face down on the ground he was still unconscious and covered in burns.

His face was recognizable by the blonde fur. But patches of it was now missing leaving a narly mix of red angry wounds that would surely scar. Peter knew he had to act fast if he wanted to save Wade. Their wasn't a hospital for miles in these woods.

Peter was strong but he couldn't drag Wade.  Even if got to a hospital they'd probably just call the police on them. Wade was a well known mercenary after all. Peter started working on taking care of Wade.

He just hoped that Wade would wake up. That was his only chance at survival since Peter couldn't take him to a hospital. Peter felt his chest tightened as he thought about loosing Wade. Tears came to the corners of his eyes.

Peter shook his head again now wasn't the time to think those thoughts. Especially if he wanted to save Wade. Peter worked diligently over the next couple of hours. He didn't take a break to eat or drink as he tried to nurse Wade back to health.

Peter wasn't a expert on medical stuff but he had at least managed to get Wade's injuries to stop bleeding. He also managed to give him some water while tipping his head back so that'd he'd swallow it while he was unconscious.

Peter was worried he paced constantly during the night. He needed something to keep his mind off of Wade possibly not making it. Peter thought maybe he should have taken Wade to the hospital to risk it. But it would have taken to long. Would Wade have bled out if Peter hadn't wrapped his wounds. Did Peter just make it worse-

Peter's thoughts were interrupted by a groan. Peter's attention snapped to Wade who had one blue eye part way open. Peter could have cried there from relief but he didn't. "Oh my God your alive!" Peter yelled happily. He felt tears rolling down his cheeks unable to hold it in any longer.

"Shhh it's okay. I'm here see?" Wade said trying to soothe Peter. His voice was weak but he managed to give Peter a hesitant smile even if it looked more like a grimace. "Thanks for helping me baby boy." Wade said he allowed Peter grab his hand.

"I'm just glad your okay." Peter said he felt Wade cup his jaw and wipe the tears away with his bigger hand. Peter leaned into the touch he'd been scared that he'd never feel it again. Wade slowly got better over the next couple of days which made it easier on Peter to not have to go threw the mental gymnastics of weather Wade was going to make it or not constantly.

Several months later Wade was heavily scarred. Most people were scared of him now due to his appearance and not reputation. The reputation still held out to make people fear him. But people didn't even need to hear his nane before they were sent running to the hills.

Wade hated it he had once been covered with beautiful blonde fur and now he was a horrid mix of matted fur and scars. Peter still stuck around and he was always complementing Wade. Peter told him he was pretty and that he loved Wade's eyes.

Wade didn't quite believe that Peter thought he was still pretty. Maybe one day Wade would see what Peter saw in him. If not he was okay with that. He had gained a stronger bond with Peter out of it. They traveled together helping save any hybrid who were in danger.

Wade was still working on the whole no
Killing thing. It was hard especially at first but Peter was teaching him. Wade still carried his knives and guns but that was more of a precaution than to actually use most of the time. His claws and fangs were already deadly enough when he was holding back.

Peter was sitting with Wade on a river bank. The stars had come out giving them some light. A fire also burned in front of them illuminating the nearby area with a soft orange light. Wade had Peter leaning against him. Peter had his eyes closed he was enjoying the feeling of Wade running his finger soothingly threw his fur.

Peter hummed he was relaxed it was just what he needed after their day of keeping a villain from attacking a local small town. Peter had a cut on his arm from one of the attackers. Wade had bandaged it up he was a professional at it now. Peter always threw himself into danger and getting hurt. Wade joked that one day ger get so many scars he'd end up looking like Wade.

"Peter I'm glad I met you." Wade said quietly. He didn't know if the deer hybrid heard it or not over the rushing water of the river and the crackling of the fire.

"I'm glad I met you to." Peter mumbled half asleep all ready due to Wade scratching his head. Wade chuckled he cupped Peter's face into his large hands he ran his finger over Peter's cheek in a soft motion. Wade stared at Peter as if he was his whole world. He supposed in one sense he kinda was.

Peter and Wade both leaned forward. Peter pressed his lips over Wade's rough ones. It was a gentle kiss that showed their love of each other. When they separated Wade was smiling like a goofball. "I love you." He said at the same time as Peter which made them both laugh. He was thankful for having met the deer hybrid.

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