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Wade had made it a sort of challenge for himself to surprise Peter with all kinds of different kisses. He thought it was amusing to keep Peter on his toes constantly. Peter on the other hand thought it was cute but also annoying. Peter had lectured Wade when he had kissed him while he was on patrol one day.

Peter had been staking out a gun trade knowing the people who were seeking them we're bad the people buying even worse. Peter had jumped into action after everyone had their backs turned. He used webs to pull the guns out for the hands of the guards.

He then webbed them to the ground. Out of nowhere one of them came around the corner and started shooting at him . Peter managed to gracefully dodge all the bullets and he easily took the guy out.

Peter swung back onto the rooftop he'd just been on. He was about to take his mask off and change to go home. Their was no one around or so he thought. He was in an abandoned empty pier after all. Peter nearly cried out as strong arms wrapped around him and one of their hands covered his mouth.

Peter squirmed against his captor he was ready to punch them in the stomach to escape. "It's just me baby boy. Stop squirming in another context it might be fine but now right now." Wade said he grinned knowing the reaction his words would get out of Peter.

Peter sent Wade an annoyed look even if the man couldn't see it since he was behind Peter. Wade released Peter he yanked off his mask to send Wade a disapproving glare to let him know just how pissed off his was.

"Oh come on Spidey it was a funny prank. You were freaked out which never happens. I also managed to evade your Spidey Sense." Wade said proudly he puffed out his chest.

"Wade you could have gotten seriously hurt by doing that. It was a dumb not outright stupid plan. I should have known it was you though your the only one who my Spidey sense won't detect other than Venom but he's gone... I hope." Peter said he walked over to Wade who looked as excited as child in a candy store.

"What?" Peter asked annoyed he was already mad at the man. Wade didn't answer instead he grabbed a hold of Peter using one arm to support his back the other his head. Wade dipped him smoothly downwards. Wade had already pulled his mask off in the time Peter had been ranting.

Peter was surprised when he felt Wade's lips on his. If he didn't know any better he would assume that Wade had just found him and decided to annoy him. But Peter did know better Wade probably had planned this whole scenario in that crazy head of his for the last week working out every detail to be perfect.

Peter admired his effort he was still annoyed though. He let out an angry huff he couldn't stay mad at Wade. Peter kissed back he was going to get Wade back for this. Wade broke the kiss after about twenty seconds sadly humans needed to breath.

"So was it romantic? Ten out of ten I presume?" Wade said wiggling his eyebrows at Peter. Peter made disgusted noise even if he didn't actually mean it.

"Maybe a seven at best." Peter joked he let Wade see the amused smile on his face so that he knew that Peter was joking. Wade put his hand to his heart like he'd been wounded. He complained about Peter's rating but he was smiling the entire time.
Peter shook his head amused at least dating Wade was never boring he supposed.

Peter was about to fall asleep his head kept nodding. He was sitting on the couch with his old laptop trying to edit pictures for the photos he was going to sell to Jameson.

Peter fought hard to stay awake but ultimately he fell asleep. Wade saw him on the couch he picked him up carefully. Wade then carried him to there bed. Before he left he kissed Peter on the head. The man smiled in his sleep curling around the pillow he was holding more.

Peter was at the kitchen table waiting on Wade to make breakfast. Peter didn't know how to cook more than microwaveable ramen so Wade was always in charge of cooking. "Here ya go." Wade said he gave Peter a kiss on the cheek.

"Eeww gross!" Peter said he was joking.

"How dare you not except my love!" Wade said dramatically. Peter rolled his eyes he was still smiling showing he secretly enjoyed Wade's antics.

Wade and Peter we're both on patrol this time. Wade was supposed to be there that times as well. Peter had made a rule that Wade couldn't go find him when he was on patrol when he was bored. How well Wade would listen to that rule he didn't know.

"Hey Spidey wanna try something?" Wade asked waggling his eyebrows at the hero.

"You better not say something dirty otherwise I'll hide the remote so you can't watch Golden Girls." Peter threatened.

"It's not I promise. But I wanna do your trademark kiss." Wade said he was jumping up and down excitedly like a child.

"The upside down one?" Peter asked he had a feeling that was the one Wade was referring to.

"Yes." Wade repsonded.

"Okay fine." Peter said he would do it if it made Wade happy. Plus he would take an excuse to kiss Wade even if he'd never tell the man that. His ego didn't need anymore boosting. Peter jumped up to the nearest street lamp he dangled upside down on his web.

Peter rolled his mask to he edge of his nose. Wade grinned as he did the same he was standing under Peter. Peter grabbed Wade's chin he pressed his lips to Wade's Wade kissed him back eagerly his large hands resting on either side of Peter's face.

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