Oh My Deer Part 2

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After several days of questioning and not eating Wade finally broke. "Okay I'll tell you who hired me to kill you." Wade said he saw Peter turn around from where he had a book sprawled across his lap he was reading attentively.

Peter closed it setting it gently off to the side. He didn't know how Wade hadn't begged for food yet it had been at least two days. Peter wasn't trying to starve him but he couldn't bring himself to hunt a feral rabbit or other non hybrid animals for Wade.

Peter knew he felt queazy even thinking about it. Even if they were different than him in that he was a hybrid and they were non talking animals it still felt wrong. So Wade didn't get to eat. Peter still made sure he had water he wasn't cruel.

Peter just needed to know who had hired Wade. It seemed like he was about to get that answer so he walked over to Wade and sat down in front of him. Peter was already strong Wade knew that but the deer hybrid kept a knife in a sheath tucked into his shoe Wade knew that.

He had watched Peter use it to cut twigs for kindling for fires he made at night to keep them warm. If Wade could steal it then maybe he could make his getaway. It was risky but he could maybe over power Peter if he was smart about his escape.

Being quiet wasn't Wade's strong suit so he'd have to be careful. Not to mention Peter was smart not taking a eye off of him for long periods of time. He also always made sure Wade's bindings were kept secure. It wasn't going to be easy to escape but Wade had to.

Wade didn't plan on telling Peter anything. He still kept to his buyer confidentiality no matter the circumstances. No deer hybrid was going to get him to break that rule. Wade was going to try to trick Peter so he could steal his knife and escape.

Wade would be lying if thoughts of hunger hadn't panged him for the last few days. He didn't think Peter was doing it intentionally. The deer hybrid gave him water and didn't try to torture information out of him. He simply waited untill Wade offered to tell him even if he wasn't actually going to.

"I was hired by..." Wade said he stopped talking when Peter shifted closer to him
He was leaning in like he wouldn't be able to hear what Wade was saying otherwise. It tripped Wade up to have the deer hybrid this close. The only other time it had happened they were fighting. Wade guessed he was sorta cute.

Tell me already!" Peter said getting irritated by Wade's lack of response.

"Okay well you see it's complicated this guy works for this guy and you know." Wade rambled on as he tested the strength of his bonds. Peter hadn't checked them yet this morning so they were loser due to Wade attempting to loosen them when Peter was sleeping earlier.

Wade almost outwardly grinned as he felt his hand slip out. He kept his expression stoick but it was hard as he knew that he had Peter cornered now. Peter wouldn't be able to get away fast enough from him. He'd tackle the deer hybrid and take him out with his own knife. It almost didn't seem right with his big brown doe eyes and huge caring heart. When did Wade ever care about doing the right thing?

Peter was getting frustrated Wade wasn't answering him properly. He was about to snap at the wolf hybrid when he noticed something. Wade's hands moved slightly behind his back every few minutes. Peter had forgotten to tie his hands tighter and check if his old shirt had came loose.

Peter got on guard immediately. He didn't let it show in his body language he allowed himself to look as tense and annoyed as he actually was and also to not allow Wade to suspect he was onto him.

Wade thought he was tricking Peter the deer hybrid was so distracted by Wade's pointless ramblings to focus on him. That's what he thought at least untill he finally wrenched his hands out of the bindings. Wade went to tackle Peter to the ground. Peter allowed it to happen not wanting Wade to know he was aware of his plan just yet.

"Ah what the hell!" Peter said he had to act surprised. Wade grabbed both of Peter's hands in one of his large hands. He was able to hold them together easily while he reached down to Peter's shoe for his hidden knife. Peter waited untill Wade was almost there to kick him in the crotch.

Wade let out a groan at the pain Peter used this to kick Wade off of him. Peter pulled out his knife swiftly never taking his eyes off of Wade. Wade recovered quickly he looked around at anything he could use as a weapon. He knew he should have brought his weapons with him. Then again Norman Osborn had said he wouldn't need them so he hadn't thought about it. Wade was prepared to rip Norman a new one for his wrong assessment of his assignment.

Wade picked up a rock it was a long shot but if he could hit Peter in the head of get the knife from him he might have a chance to escape. Peter moved quick he cut Wade's hand. Wade hissed in pain he dropped the rock he saw blood drip to the ground. He guessed Peter was more violent than he thought.

It wasn't a big cut but it was still enough to bleed. Wade didn't even have time to see Peter move before he had a knife against his throat. "Stand down before I have to use this." Peter said he was breathing rapidly from his running and he was still one edge from Wade trying to escape.

Wade sighed he allowed Peter to tie him up knowing he didn't have a chance of escaping now. Peter let out a sigh of relief he never would actually kill Wade. He didn't know if he knew it or not but he was bluffing. He had cut him but it wasn't enough to permanently damage him it would just hurt for a few weeks.

Peter still applied bandages to Wade's wond even if he did tightened the bandages a little to tight to make it uncomfortable for Wade. "So who told you to come after me that's all I want to know." Peter said he sat in front of Wade being careful to clutch his knife to his chest in case Wade tried something again. He may be tied up tighter but he still didn't trust Wade at all.

Wade sighed with defeat, "Norman Osborn."

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