I'm Your Biggest Fan Part 4

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"Peter." Wade said he was trying to check out the feel of the name. "I feel like it suits you." Wade said grinning. Peter have him a confused look. "Well your always muttering about some nerdy calculations of science stuff I don't understand. You may have super powers but underneath it all your a big nerd." Wade teased he put his arm around Peter's neck pulling him into his side.

Peter leaned into the touch it was starting to get colder. "I'm not a nerd." Peter said grumpily. He had gotten bullied and that was one of Flash's favorite insults so he had a bad relationship with the word. Even if yes technically he was.

"Oh okay." Wade said sensing that he had made Peter annoyed. "I'll make it up to you." Wade said wiggling his eyebrows. Peter gave him an unamused expression only the blush on his face betrayed him. Wade chuckled he rolled the bottom of Peter's mask up before leaning into a kiss.

Peter allowed it he put his arms around Wade's beck. Wade was smiling like a idiot when they pulled away he was grinning at Peter like he was the most beautiful thing in the world. He supposed in Wade's opinion he probably was.

"Alright if I remember it's your turn to ask a question." Wade said he pulled Peter back into his side.

"What do you like to do in your free time?" Peter asked curiously. He only knew about Wade's career since that was what the news talked about.

"Well I LOVE Golden Girls and Unicorns." Wade answered. Peter tried to withhold his laughter. Wade glared at him hurt, "What's wrong with what I like?" He asked.

"Nothing. Nothing at all it's just that people fear you because your appearance. But they don't realize your just a big softy who likes the Golden Girls and unicorns." Peter said he just thought the difference between Wade's personality and appearance was amusing.

"Ah, well that makes sense. I look like Freddy Krueger and have the interests of a six year old girl and a grandma." Wade said he was smiling still despite insulting himself. Peter sighed shaking his head this man was insecure despite Peter thinking he was very much not ugly. Peter thought Wade Wilson was attractive damnit. If only he'd see it himself.

Peter had been seeing Wade more and more in his free time. He still hadn't showed him his face or told him his last name it was getting to Peter. He felt guilty for not doing it but he couldn't get over his inner problems. Showing people his face hadn't gone well for him in the past. He trusted Wade but what if he broke it and revealed his identity to the world?

Peter shook his head he didn't know what he was thinking. Wade was one of the sweetest people Peter had ever met. He wouldn't do that to him. Peter sighed he knew he had to do this even if he didn't want to. It wasn't fair for Wade to give him all of himself and Peter hide behind his mask.

Peter had showed up at Wade's apartment. He had scaled the walls all forty floors worth of them. Peter had been to Wade's apartment several times so he plopped down on Wade's couch while he waited on him. Peter was nervous the entire time so he grabbed the TV remote off the table in front of him and started randomly flipping threw channels.

Wade texted him that he was coming up so Peter turned off the TV. Peter was still a bundle of nerves so he fiddled with his hands. Wade came into the apartment a minute later he sat down his things before making his way over to Peter.

Wade sat beside Peter on the couch he put his arm behind him on the back of it. "So how was your day Peter?" Wade said grinning he loved using Peter's name now that he knew it. Peter gave Wade a hesitant one back.

"Hey Spidey what's wrong?" Wade asked he grabbed Peter's face in his hands.

"Um well we've been dating for about a month. I think it's about time you see my full face and know my last name." Peter said he wanted to show Wade he really did. Peter would be lying if he didn't say he was nervous. He was terrified.

"It's okay if you don't want to you don't have to show me or tell me your name. Take your time." Wade said he looked Peter in the eyes to make sure he knew how serious he was about this.

"Wade I appreciate it but I need to. I need to do this for myself as well as you." Peter said he sighed he moved away from Wade. Wade was about to ask what he was doing before he saw Peter pull up his mask to his nose. He hesitated for a second before he yanked it off quickly before he could change my mind.

"Hi." Peter said nervously as he looked at Wade trying to understand what he was thinking based on his expressions. Wade's eyes were comically wide at Peter's sudden face reveal. He also looked amazed he brought his hand back up to Peter's face he ran his thumb over Peter's cheek.

Peter leaned into the touch his eyes closing. "Jesus your beautiful." Wade said breathlessly as he stared at Peter. Peter felt himself blush at Wade's words he opened his eyes to see Wade looking at him like he was the most beautiful thing in the world.

"My last name is Parker." Peter said he was glad he finally had managed to get all of that off his chest.

"Okay Peter Parker." Wade said grinning widely. Peter smiled back he pulled Wade into a kiss. Wade kissed back he put his hand on Peter's jaw he never knew how he got so lucky to get Spiderman or Peter Parker to date him. Peter thought the same thing about Wade.

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