Oh My Deer Part 4

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Wade had stuck with Peter which surprised them both. At first he would admit it was partially due to the fact he was unarmed and helpless. Eventually he started enjoying his company and even seeking it out. Now they were friends of some sort and even got a long most of the time.

Wade was finally able to buy himself a gun and knives. Peter wasn't worried he was going to shoot him in the back anymore. Wade was sharpening his knife while Peter was reading a book quietly by the fire.

Wade would admit he was starting to like Peter. Maybe more than friend. The deer hybrid was cute and he always amazed Wade with how smart he was. Wade also liked to banter with him and when he thought of lossing Peter it made him angry and sad he hadn't felt that way about someone in a long time.

Wade knew his feelings probably weren't returned. So he kept them to himself instead bottling them up and shoving them deep down into the depths of his thoughts. They still showed up to haunt him though.

  Anytime Peter did anything usually his attention snapped to him. When Peter said something smart he'd stare at him like a kid in a candy store. Peter touched him a jolt of what felt like electricity went threw him. The most damning thing of all was how Wade blushed around Peter when he got close to him or even shared a gaze with him for to long.

Wade kept glancing at Peter every now and then. He told himself he was watching him because he wanted to make sure Peter was safe. Unknowingly to Wade Peter knew about what he was doing and he caught Wade's gaze one time. Wade looked away pretending like he hadn't just stared at Peter.

Peter however wasn't just going to let it go. "Wade why do you keep looking at me?" Peter asked be saw Wade tensed up.

"I uh was just you know." Wade said he was rambling he refused to look at Peter now and he felt a blush come to his cheeks at being caught.

"You know what?" Peter asked wondering what Wade was trying to say.

Wade sighed he looked at Peter who had confusion written across his face. Wade knew he was going to have to explain even if he didn't want to. "I uh have sorta grown to like you over the past month or so." Wade admitted his voice didn't carry as much confidence or strength it normally did.

Peter smiled so bright Wade thought it could have been brighter than the sun itself. "I've grown to like you to. I'm glad to be your friend." Peter said he punched Wade in the shoulder lightly.

Wade's face fell and his ears went back against his head. Peter saw this and burst out laughing. Wade glared at him hurt he thought this was funny. "Okay I'm sorry I can't keep it up anymore. I like you to dumby and yes in that way. You were just so obvious about it that I had to mess with you a little bit." Peter said he smiled at Wade hoping that he wasn't to offended by his joke.

"Yeah yeah shut up. Does that mean that we are now boyfriends?" Wade asked hopefully just the word was enough to make him smile as much as Peter.

"Yeah I'd like that." Peter said he cuddled up to Wade's side. Wade felt a blush rise to his face again but he pulled Peter closer. Wade sighed he felt Peter's warmth seeping into his body. It felt nice to hold the deer hybrid. Suddenly, a loud boom startled them making them jump apart.

Wade growled he sniffed the air and he froze with dread. "Wade what is it?" Peter asked concerned as he shook the wolf hybrid.

"Well well well what a touching relationship to bad I have to end it!" Norman said he was chucking a bomb in his hand and catching it like it was ball and not an explosive object.

The fox slunk forward he got close enough to Wade that he could smell his foul breath. Wade growled at him he made a swipe him just for Norman to jump back cackling wildly. "Norman you won't get away with this!" Peter said he pulled out his knife to defend himself.

"Aww if it isn't Peter Parker! Since Wade went all soft I'll have to kill you myself! Then I'll take out your little boyfriend and mount his head on my wall!" Norman said he threw the bomb in Peter's direction.

Wade snapped out of his trance a second before it was to late. He tackled Peter out of the way. Wade whoever still got some of the blast he let out a pained scream as the metal exploded some of it landing in his back, arms, and legs. He also smelled burning fur which he knew was his own.

Wade was in a massive amount of pain yet he still got up. Blood was dripping down his leg he was pretty sure but he ignored it. Wade pulled out his gun he aimed it at Norman's chest he was absolutely furious. "Don't do it wolf or else the deer gets it." Norman growled he had another bomb in his hand.

Wade may be crazy but he knew he wasn't going to let anything happen to Peter. Wade shot his gun his vision was blurry but he had to take a chance. If he didn't kill Norman now he could kill Peter. Wade heard Norman scream all he saw was the bomb drop to the ground it activated and in a blur of orange blinding light Wade passed out.

Peter was only half conscious from the bomb. It had knocked him to the ground he had some burns but it was nothing compared to Wade's vast amount of them. Peter felt his eyes close again he knew that he needed to help Wade and fast but he couldn't make himself move as he slipped into full unconsciousness.

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