I'm Your Biggest Fan Part 1

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Peter had simply been getting groceries. He was using the last of his weekly pay for a new roll of camera film and cheap microwaveable food that would keep him from starving. It was all Peter could afford since his apartment and buying the material to make his webfluid took most of his income.

Peter wasn't thinking anything as he walked back to his apartment. He was just walking since he couldn't afford a subway ticket back to his apartment. Peter's attention was suddenly captured by a large crowd gathering across the street.

Peter tensed up was some sort of loony villain causing a scene? Peter was about to jump into a hidden alley web his groceries to a wall and change his clothes. Then he noticed that it wasn't a villain the crowd was surrounding it was a man.

Not just any man the famous Wade Wilson. Peter felt a excitement shoot threw him. He had admired Wade Wilson in his movies since highschool. Wade was older than him by at least ten years. Peter was twenty and Wade was around thirty if his late night google search one night remained correct.

The actor was famous for his roles in super hero movies and action ones. He also had cancer but made sure not to let it slow him down any. Wade was just as flamboyant and loud as ever trying to seduce people at bars for the fun of it and making a fashion statement to the world with the clothing he sometimes choose to wear.

Peter saw the crowd and the man himself moving towards him. Peter as bad as he wanted to say hi and maybe get the man's autograph didn't want to swamp the celebrity with another person. Besides Peter was so nervous when he walked past that he started sweating and his hands started shaking.

To be so close to someone he admired was crazy. He ignored it even though he felt a disappointment grow in his chest at himself as he walked away from Wade. Wade was still surrounded people asking constantly for pictures and autographs. He didn't get mad instead he greeted people like they were old friends and signed things fast making sure everyone got one before he moved on to the next person.

This was why Peter and other people liked him so much. Peter knew it could be an act to be seen as nice. Then again the man had managed to put up with the roaring rushing crowds of New York on his afternoon walk easily. He was kind and even seemed to enjoy interacting with his fans from what Peter had seen.

Peter unloaded his groceries putting everything away. He undressed pulling on his Spidey outfit. He needed to patrol anyways but he would be lying if he didn't want to swing over to see if Wade was still there. He didn't want to disturb him but if he wasn't surrounded anymore Peter might drop down to say hi.

Peter swung over the last place he had seen Wade. He knew he probably wasn't going to find him but he still felt a bit disappointed. "Oh my God is that really Spiderman?!" Someone asked their voice was high and in shock.

Peter was about to just swing away expecting the usual reaction to him people believing he still wasn't in jail yet. Peter turned around and he nearly fell off the light post he'd been crouching on. He had been surveying the area for Wade and had alighted down on this light post for a better look.

Suddenly when Peter turned his head back around he was face to face with Wade Wilson. . "Uh hi w-what a-are you doin-g here." Peter said he internally cussed at himself for his suttering around the man.

"You know getting lunch. I can't believe your standing in front of me." Wade said he was grinning like a child in a candy store his eyes were lit up and Peter swore he could practically see stars in them.

"You serious? Most people hate me. And not sound weird or anything but I literally love the movies you are in and have admired you since I was a kid." Peter said he probably was rambling but he couldn't help it with Wade in front of him. The man was positively attractive and Peter would be lying to say he didn't have a small celebrity crush on him.

Wade was the guy everyone liked even guys who thought they were straight. Peter was one of those guys. "Oh my gosh Spidey watches my movies? I could swoon literally swoon baby boy." Wade said he put his arm over his head dramatically.

Peter felt a vicious blush over his face at the man's nickname. Peter hadn't been called anything like that before by anyone let alone Wade Wilson. "Uh yeah." Peter said he didn't say anymore his voice had gone up an octave higher than usual and he didn't trust himself to speak.

"I'm getting lunch and I'm sure all that web swinging makes you hungry. Want to get a burrito with me? I'll pay sweetheart." Wade said he leaned against the lamppost and gave Spidey his best sultry look.

If Peter wasn't currently frozen in place and sticking to the lamppost a little to much he might have laughed at Wade's attempt at flirting. It wasn't good at all he felt that Wade probably wasn't trying or he was joking by the huge smile on his face.

Peter unstuck his fingers ignoring the burning in his face. He nodded he jumped down from the lamppost to stand beside Wade. "Definitely but you shouldn't have to pay for me I can go home and get my wallet-" Peter said he was interrupted by Wade.

"No no no no I'm going to pay for my favorite super hero. So get your Spidery ass inside so I can admire it." Wade said he walked into the restaurant with Peter following him just as red faced as before.

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