65) He's Right

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Brief author's note:
brace yourselves for the next few chapters, lol.

  . . . He's right.

He has all the leverage and is crazy enough to do something about it.

  And now I'm in a car speeding through traffic lights and weaving through the few cars on the street.

  I don't really know how I got here. Everything between the call and the last red light I ran on the way to my old house is a blur.

  I've been so close to losing Dad too many times before. I'm not letting him go now, when things are just starting to go well for us.

  Have I ever owned a car or had a driver's license? No, but the police are in the palm of Eden's hand, so I should be able to break whatever laws I want.

  At least, that's what I'm telling myself as I speed through my third stop sign.

  As I was putting a new meaning to the phrase 'petal to the metal', a car whipped around the corner and came to a sudden stop no more than twenty feet ahead of me. The bastard blocked off the entire street.

  The gasp I let out could have dislodged a lung as I slammed on the breaks. The car I borrowed from Eden's garage came to a screeching stop as I locked out my arms on the wheel to keep my body from flinging forward and thanked god I had put my seatbelt on even in my rush.

It was a weird time to remember a PSA they showed us in school once. It said you should never lock your arms too hard against the wheel because that's how people break their wrists in crashes.

Luckily, I wasn't in a crash, just inches away from one.

I panted frantically as I stared at the asshole that stopped in the middle of the road with wide eyes.

My life just flashed before my eyes.

. . . It was really sad.

As I contemplated between swinging the door open and giving the driver a pice of my mind, and staying in the car and crying out all the adrenaline that was just mainlined into my veins, the man driving stepped out of the car.

Dray looked like he could tear me in half with his bare hands as he slammed his door shut and stormed over to where I'm too stunned to move.

Soon enough, he was close enough to rip my door open and yank me onto my unsteady feet.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?" He hollered. It echoed around the city as the sun set.

  "I, um, I was. . ."

  I suddenly remembered what I was doing.

I tried to pull my arm from his grip. "Dray, you have to let me go! My dad —"

He stopped as we rounded the car to the passenger's side and pulled me closer with an iron grip. "We know! Boss is there now, dealing with the problem."

"But —"

"And if you had told me about the call instead of just stealing a fucking car and running off like a scared child, I could have told you that!"

My mouth clamped shut.

". . . You know about the call?" I mumbled after he quickly ushered me into the passenger seat and jogged over to his own.

"Of course we know about the call. Do you think Boss would give you a phone with her snake of a brother around without tapping it?" He put the car into drive and pealed out in the direction I came from.

The DebtNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ