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"I'm naked!"

"You're not naked."

  I looked down at my short shorts and practically see through night shirt. The fact that I'm not wearing a bra is also not helping the situation.

"I am too naked." I turned my happy ass around and marched down the hall to my room.

A part of me knows I'm pushing it, but I know I can't live in fear of her anymore if I stay here, it'll drive me crazy.

To my relief, she didn't follow me into my room and pin me to some surface to punish me.

. . . Well, I guess I'm not that relieved, that could have been fun, but apparently we have a date to go on.

I rummaged through my draws trying to find something acceptable to wear out in public. It's been so long since I've gone out to a normal ass place, that I'm kind of excited for the date.

Part of me is still hesitant about it though. A date? With Cortez? The mafia boss?!


But I shook it off and shoved it to the background like I do with all of my internal problems and started dressing. I need to take this good fortune and run with it.

When I finally reached Eden — I will literally never get used to that — I was grateful that she didn't blow up and go on some rant about her being in charge, or try to choke me out or something. She just stood there with her jaw tensed.

She looked like she wanted to say something, to disapprove in some way — she absolutely detests waiting — but she didn't, to my dismay.

Who are you and what have you done with Boss?

I wanted to say it out loud, but I knew this complete 180 was probably an attempt to please me, so I definitely don't want to tease her for it.

  "Happy now?" She gritted out, barely holding back a reprimand.

  Ah, there's a peek of the boss I know.

  "Yes," I nodded assuredly, but still couldn't help wringing my hands.

  She scrutinized my outfit. It is far from her preferred little black dress and hooker heals.

  Starting from my basic white converse with my marvel socks poking out of them, her gaze traveled up my bare legs and to the short, pink denim romper I'm sporting.

  I found myself getting nervous.

I don't know if this outfit counts as pants, but if it does, this is the first time she's seen me in them. I don't know how she'll react.

I fiddled anxiously with the zipper in the front of the romper.

"You look good."

Really Soña? That's all it takes to make you blush?

  I cleared my throat. "Thanks."

  She nodded, and without another word, turned on her heals and strode down the hallway towards the elevator. I scurried after her.

  Aw, just like old times.


  The Bo — I mean Eden — has never been on a date in her life, and it shows.

  It's kind of endearing though.

  The first place she tried to take me was closed.

  Obviously, it's five in the freaking morning. If I was a business owner, I wouldn't put my employees through that.

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