24) Tease

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"The new deal is that if you are on your best behavior for the rest of this week AND next, I will take you to see your father."

  Two weeks? I can do that.

"Thank you so mu —"

"But," she put up a hand.

Of course there's a but.

"Now that the reward has changed and the steaks are higher. . . Again," she growled, "Don't be surprised if the next couple of weeks challenge you more than the past few days have."

I sighed. Oh yeah, the last few days have been a cake walk. . .

The Boss' POV

Why do I keep making deals with this girl?

The first one should have covered all of this for Christ's sake.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose while Sunshine had her back turned, busy brushing the knots out of her hair.

I am offering her more and more for what she promised she'd deliver from the beginning.


I sighed and shook my head as I watched her. I am not known for giving second chances or. . . chances in general, really. Yet, here I am, making promise after promise just to get this random little girl that popped into my life under my thumb. . .

It doesn't matter.

It is all part of the game.

Everything I am doing is working. Pretty damn slowly, but where's the fun in immediate gratification? I have always been a fan of a tease. It makes everything more gratifying after you've caught them and the tables are turned.

All in due time.

Gah, I keep saying that. I know it has only been a day, maybe less, since the last time I said it, but my patience are already running thin. . . Something else I am known for.


She jumped at my call, like she always does, and craned her long delicate neck so she could see me.

It's moments like these I wish I could just wrap my hand around the pretty thing and have her remain calm, not freak the fuck out. Not to hurt her just to have her, to control her.

I've gotten the chance to do it before, and it only made me want to hold her closer. . . Tighter.

Okay, maybe I do wanna hurt her. But not in a bad way, in a fun way. I have been hurting people long enough to know the difference.

I sighed and pushed myself off the bed.

Now, like every other time, is not the time for that. Now, I need to get this girl out of my bed and into her own.

I cannot be sure what I will do if she gives me attitude tomorrow morning because she missed out on sleep.

All I do know is that it will be violent.

"It's time for you to go to your room. If you're bitchy tomorrow morning, I will hurt you," I conveyed to her the same sentiment.

"I thought you weren't gonna 'hurt me' just 'pain me'," I heard her smart ass mumble under her breath as she pushed herself off the bed.

My eyes narrowed on the back of her head.

I definitely was not supposed to hear that.

But I did.

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