20) For Real This Time

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Sunny's POV

  We pulled into the driveway.

My nerves are eating me alive.

  No! I need this car ride to last longer.

  She's left me alone this whole time. I'm not ready to face her.

"Get out," she barked at me as she exited her seat, obviously already sick of the hesitation I haven't even gotten to express yet.

I threw the idea of just defying her out the window.

That would land me in a casket.

So I mentally collected the fear that was paralyzing my limbs and concentrated it into a little ball in my stomach that literally made me wanna throw up my lunch.

But I resisted the urge because that's disgusting, and fumbled with the car door until I finally opened it.

When I did, I spilled out of the car and almost twisted my ankle in these monstrous heels. I just wanna to get to The Boss before her nonexistent patience wears thinner.

My first hurried step in her direction actually did twist my ankle though, so, ever so gracefully, I collapsed to the floor after slipping off the perfectly waxed car that I tried to brace my fall with.

I heard her scoff and the sound of her leather shoes padding towards me on the pavement I'm sprawled on.

Oh no, she's coming over here, and she's not happy about it.

I scrambled to get to my feet, but she got to me first and yanked me up by my arm the rest of the way.

Boss dragged me towards the big doors that lead to her "house", but the second I put my weight on my — probably sprained — ankle I winced, and it forced us to slow down our quick pace.

  She let out a noise that I can only describe as a growl.

  Well I'm sorry. I didn't sprain my ankle on purpose. Maybe if you hadn't put me in these —

  "Ah!" I yelled as my feet were unceremoniously torn off the ground.

  Boss Lady Cortez looked ultra pissed to be carrying me up the steps of her palace, but she threw me into her arms, I didn't jump into them.

"I-I can walk y'know," I stuttered out.

I don't even know if it's true, but I haven't been carried like this since I was a toddler, and I don't like it.

It doesn't help that it's by a terrifying, intimidatingly beautiful woman. Also, I'm torn between clamping my arms around her neck to secure myself and leaning as far away from the demon queen as possible.

"Hush, I decide what you can and can't do, remember? And you were taking too long." I felt her breath wisp across my cheek. It gave me the chills.

She didn't even try to hide the annoyed bite in her voice.

So controlling.

It's also unnerving that she can carry me so easily up the stairs. I may not eat much, and I know she's strong, but holy shit I'm tall as fuck and built like hoss.

A small hoss, but still.

  She carried me through the most painfully awkward elevator ride of my life, then stormed down a new hallway.

  Her grip tightening around my figure signaled her growing impatience.

  It made me stiffen then try and get out of it again. "Seriously you don't have to carry me. I'll limp fast, if you would just — Ah!"

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