19) Thud

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The Boss' POV

  I heard a metallic clang and dull thud behind me and whipped around.

  Only to find Sunshine wielding a frying pan with an excited look on her face.

  I glanced down at the knife wielding man with a new welt forming on his bald head and back at her.

  "You're still in trouble," I informed her.

  She pouted and let the frying pan hang by her side.

  Don't worry Sunshine, I'll take that you saved my life into account while I'm punishing your ass for going against my orders.

  I understand why she freaked out and ran, especially after one of Marcos' men grabbed the doorknob, but we had her covered. I had my people watching the door.

That was Leo's only job after he got himself shot in the leg because he wasn't watching his back.

But she decided to put herself in all kinds of danger by jumping out in the middle of the fray.

If she got shot I'd get jack shit for my thousand dollars worth of drugs I apparently donated to her father.

I left her to fidget behind me as I turned to my team and took inventory on serious injuries.

There weren't any other than Leo's leg wound that'll be an easy fix, but a bitch to wait to heal. That and maybe a couple concussions, but they'll live.

I wrapped it up with them and turned to my new pet.

"Now, to deal with you," I turned to Sunshine and saw in my peripheral vision my team taking awkward steps back, knowing from personal expression what's about to happen.

"I didn't do anything," she put her hands up, the frying pan making it kinda comical to look at.

"You thought it was a good idea to throw what's mine into the line of fire. I've told you what happens when you think, and you know how I feel about people fucking with what's mine, so what about that sounds a-okay to you?" I stalked towards her.

As I got closer, I could tell her nerves started eating away at her, she started working herself up, and when she works herself up, she lashes out.

It's why she thought it was a good idea to blatantly glare daggers at me earlier today. It's why she suddenly got the presence of mind at the last few seconds of the ride to tell me she didn't like me playing with her pretty little tits.

  They're small things, but it tells me she gets brave when she feels backed into a corner.

  Which is why it didn't surprise me when she started yelling.

  "You can't blame me for defending myself the only way I know how from a situation you put me in! And did you not catch how I saved your fucking life in the process?"

"I did catch that, and it was only after I saved your life, which wouldn't have been in danger if you had just done what I told you," I kept my voice level. I don't need to raise my voice to scare the shit out of her.

"Oh, fuck you! I wouldn't even be here if you hadn't —"

I grabbed her by the arm and throat and dragged her to the nearest wall. I slammed her into it and heard the sound of her back hitting the brick surface.

Fuck me, huh?

Yeah, that's not gonna fly.

"Say it again," I growled in her ear, "I fucking dare you."

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