50) Ruined

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I analyzed her every move as she leaned over me to undo my restraints.

Once she had tossed the leather cuffs from my wrists to the side, she gently caressed the slightly tender skin there before slowly lowering my arms to my sides.

I noticed a little soreness from all my struggling, but nothing major.

Mistress sole my attention by firmly running her hands up my arms, to my shoulders, and back down.

"How do you feel?"


She did not look amused.

I sighed. "I feel fine, mistress. It just feels like I got a good arm workout in." I amended to appease her.

She nodded her approval before flipping herself around on my hips to reach for my bound ankles. She's now straddling me reverse cowgirl style while she takes off my restraints, and I have to say, the view is impeccable.

"Did I say you could touch, Sunshine?"

I giggled and put my hands back by my sides. "Sorry Mistress."

I couldn't help myself.

I got a half hearted slap on the thigh before she went back to work.

Soon, my ankles were free and Mistress was climbing off of me while I pouted like a kicked puppy.

"Up," she called with a finger curl.

I bolted up right.

"Slowly," she corrected sternly, and the second my feet touched the ground, I realized why. I nearly crumpled to the floor because my bones are so sticky.

Y'know when you finish a long run or spend too long in bed, and you get up and your bones feel like they're made of wet cement? That's what I call sticky bones, and I have a very bad case of it right now.

  "Oh, no," I groaned with a grimace, "sticky bones."

  Mistress shook her head. "I am not even going to ask."

  "I'll tell you about it later."

  "You really don't have to."

  "Yeah, but I'll probably do it anyway."


  "Yes, Mistress?"

  "Shut your mouth."

  "Yes, Mistress."

  Once I was standing steadily on the ground and had sobered up from our little banter, Mistress began circling me like a shark.

I suddenly became very hyper aware of how exposed I still am. I feel small and vulnerable.

  An admittedly pleasant change from always feeling strong and in control.

She appeared and disappeared behind me, leisurely taking in her fill.

The fire in my stomach, that never really left but had dampened slightly, reignited to it's full potential.

"Your body is truly gorgeous, Sunshine."

My heart fluttered. I was about to return the complement, but was too tongue tied to compose the reply in time.

"And yet, it's still only the third best thing about you."

I nearly choked on my heart as it jumped into my throat.

I definitely won't be speaking around it for a while.

Mistress slowly came back around to my front and grinned at my dumbfounded silence. "We'll get into what first and second place are later, for now. . ." She moseyed closer and placed a finger under my chin.

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