7) Mine

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I walked in and the boss was reading over something with her feat propped up on her messy desk.

  I waited awkwardly for her to address me but she just kept on reading.

  I took the time to analyze her.

  She was wearing tailored dress pants with a black belt with gold accents, like yesterday, but unlike yesterday, her button up dress shirt was maroon instead of white. She still had it rolled to her elbows, allowing me to notice the ink that peaked out from under the fabric once again.

I kept running my eyes around her frame, not quite having the guts to let them wander over her face.

  I kept going until I landed on how many buttons were unbuttoned on her shirt.


  Many buttons were unbuttoned.

  Probably more than what were buttoned.

  It revealed quite a bit of her black bralette that covered her flat chest. I tried to swallow, but that's when I realized how dry my mouth is.

  I tore my eyes away from the exposed skin there and was forced to gaze at the only place I hadn't analyzed yet.

  I took in her sharp and unforgiving facial features.

  This woman is gorgeous.

  Almost supernaturally attractive.

  With that thought, I remembered why I never did lose my virginity to good Ol' Asher from geometry class.

If we're looking on the bright side of things, at least I bat for her team.

On the downside of things, this is all happening against my will. . . Or would it not be considered against my will? I did come here on my own. We do have a sort of spoken contract.

I mean they held a gun to me and my dad's heads, but that's besides the point.

So in some way this was my choice?

Sure, we'll go with that for my sanity's sake.

"Didn't your father ever teach you not to stare?" Her cold voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I jumped slightly and sputtered for a response.

"Sorry," I blurted out.

"Mhm," she grumbled without looking up. "Have a seat on the couch until I finish this, then you have your first task of working for me," this time she spared me a glance, and the smirk on her face sent shivers down my spine.

I hesitantly did as I was told and sat down on the dark leather couch near her desk.


  It felt like an eternity as I waited there with no phone to distract me or pants.

  Two things that are usually a must for me to leave my house.

  I just sat there uncomfortably, biting my lip in anxiety of what's to come.

  It can't be too bad, right?

  "Sunshine," her terrifying call finally rang through the room.

  My head shot in her direction waiting for her to continue.

  She just stared at me, her glare getting darker the longer we waited.

  "Oh!" I jumped, "yes Ma'am."

  She rolled her eyes and checked her expensive looking watch, "Took you a whole five seconds. Hopefully next time you get it right the first time," she looked at me, and the threat of consequences if I failed at this again was clear in her expression.

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