《♡Chapter 31♡》

Start from the beginning

"Baby, who was at the door?" a woman's voice said "I don't know, some short guy with a baby and a bag." the guy said. I put Ash in his seat when the door opened. "Mike?" I looked up at Sarah. She walked over to me "what are you doing here?" "well my parents are coming over and I need someone to babysit Asher but I see that you have a guest over." I said as I buckled him in. "oh, no no. I can babysit him. That guy is just my boyfriend, Tyler. He tends to not let anyone he doesn't know in mine or his house." I looked at her "are you sure, I don't want to stress you out." she stared at me "dude, you realize that anyone who is babysitting is going to have some type of stress." I smiled at her sarcasm and unbuckled Ash. "Here come in." she said. I followed her into the house with Ash and his bag.

"Ty!" she called out. The guy came over "who is he?" he said. "This is Michael, remember when I said my younger brother had a boyfriend and a child?" Tyler nodded "yeah, this is his boyfriend and his child, Asher." Tyler's hard, cold face soften and looked at me and smiled "nice to meet you, sorry how I treated you earlier." I nodded "it's ok." he came over "may I hold him, he might become my nephew in the future." I chuckled and saw Sarah blush. I handed Ash to him and he slowly rocked him. "Here, I'll take this." she said. I turned to her.

"there is already some bottles in there. There are also his binky that he would want after he feeds. He'd throw a fit he doesn't get it, but only let him use it fir 10 to 15 minutes. Also his blanket and bear are in there. He can sleep without his blanket but he must have his bear." I said rushed. She looked at me  "damn, he's needy." I snickered and nodded "well thank you for doing this for us." she smiled "of course, your part of the family." we said our goodbyes and I left.

Once I was in the car, I sighed, "I should get some cake for mom, she would love it." I muttered to myself. I started the car and drove to a nearby store. I got a simple vinalla pound cake. I drove back home and put the cake in the fridge.

"Noah, I'm home." I called out. No answer. "Noah." I called again. Still no answer. Worried, I walked to our room too see him passed out on the bed. I let a small smile slip onto my face. He must of been exhausted by his new job, he worked late last night. I felt bad for being a bit to harsh on him. I got changed into a bra and short, tight shorts.

I laid down next to him and cuddled into his side. I put my hand on his chest and my leg over his waist. I pressed up closer to him causing my breast to be squished, which hurt a little but it was because I had been breastfeeding my picky ass son too often. I closed my eyes and a smile came to my face as I felt Noah slowly lift the arm under me to hold my waist. I quickly fell asleep.


♡Noah's Pov♡
I woke up to knocking on the door. I felt something cuddled up to me. I looked over to see Mike cuddled up to my side. I smiled and got up, trying not to wake him. I went to the door and answered it. Mr and Mrs. Afton were there.

"oh, Hello Mr and Mrs. Afton" I said as I moved out of the way to let them in. Mrs. Afton smiled "hello dear, I hope we won't be too much of a bother." "oh don't worry, we're fine with it Mrs. Afton." I smiled again "dear just call me Clara, your part of the family." I gave her a hug "where's Mike." William asked. I pulled away and looked at him "he's in our room asleep." he looked at me and nodded. Suddenly he turned and started walking down the hall to our room.

"Hey, William let him sleep." I called out and ran after him. "Will stop." Clara said, but it was too late. He entered the room to see Mike on the bed, sleeping peacefully, in a bra and shorts. He looked at me.

"did you force him into this!" he yelled "no I didn't, he chose to wear that!" I yelled back. "Boys. Stop you're going to wake him up." Clara said, but it was too late.

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