16 | Modern Warfare

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After breakfast we went back to Spade's office.

Everyone was waiting for us there.

"Ben could you sit over there, please? Luci next to me." Spade told us as soon as we walked in.

"I didn't know we had assigned seats.." Athena brings up.

"You don't, they do." Spade replied.

"Oh awww. Are they getting a little too touchy feely?" She asked him.

"There's no touching or feeling." Luci tells Athena.

"So you're telling me your lips haven't even touched a single part of his body?" Athena asks another question.

"Can we just start this meeting?" Caleb chimes in.

"Sorry, i'm late. My mom was giving me a lecture." A boy walked in.

"Casey!" Luci jumped up out of her seat.

She practically ran over and hugged him.

"Hi beautiful." He hugged her back.

Who the fuck is he?

I know he's the same boy that went in her room many many nights ago and just disappeared into thin air.

But I want to know who he is to Luci.

"Now that everyone's here.. We're moving." Spade speaks.

The whole room freezes.

"Sorry, what?" Athena asks.

"We're moving, because it's no longer safe here.. We told something different to specific groups of my fathers men, and we were able to scope out the rats." Luci explains as Casey puts her down.

"What did you tell them?" Caleb asked.

"We told each group a location we'd "be" at around 3 this morning. We made it look like we left the house at that time.. And lo and behold two of the locations we told the groups were practically blown to smithereens, and set on fire.. We apprehended the men from those two groups and thanks to a little help from Mindy, we were able to find the rats." Spade explained.

Everyone nods.

I wonder what Mindy did exactly..

"Everyone was relieved from duty until further notice." Spade added.

"So where are we moving? I don't think my moms gonna enjoy packing again." Casey things up.

"Italy." Spade replies.

"Elijah has kindly offered to be a host to us for the time being. His men will be protecting us and we'll pretty much be receiving help from him." Luci explained.

"So.. You're telling me our only source of protection is the Italian mafia?" Caleb asked.

Spade nodded.

"Am I tripping or have they not yet moved from the house we managed to kidnapped Lilah from?" He asks another question.

"We are the ones who invaded you know.. No mafia is high in numbers like us, and the Italian mafia." Luci replied.

"Understandable.. But we were still able to invade them. Are they really that safe?" Caleb crossed his arms.

"After visiting recently.. I can assure you.. They are tight on security." Luci told him.

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