12 | My Strawberry

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*A Few Hours Later*

"Just made it to the airport." I tell Spade.

"Great. There should already be a jet there and waiting. Get 27D." He replies.

"Yes sir. Is there anything else I need to know?". I ask him.

"No.. Well, sort of. Luci's friend Caleb will be accompanying you. I'll explain in further detail when you arrive back home." He finishes.

I hang up the phone and we're escorted to gate 27 D.

If this Caleb is a friend of Luci's no doubt he's going to be a pain in the ass just as she is.

We reach the gate, and I notice Luci's been quiet this entire time.

"Not feeling well?" I question her.

"I feel fine. I just don't have anything to say to you." She walks ahead of me.

As we walk up to the jet, a boy descends the steps.

"Caleb?" She starts walking a bit faster.

"Ma fraise." He smiled.

He reached the bottom step and Luci waste no time, engulfing him in a hug.

"I haven't see you in forever." She pulls away slightly.

"It's only been five years.."

"You say that like it's not a long time!" She sounds excited almost.

"It doesn't feel like that long to me." He shrugs.

They're silent for a moment, taking each other in.

I guess, five years is a lot when you were a child five years ago.

Your body changes and new experiences grows you into an adult.

But do they have to look at each other like that?..

"Your father is expecting you soon. We should get going." I interrupt their moment.

She hums in response.

"Tell me about everything you learned in France please!" She says as they walk up the stairs into the jet.

I follow behind them and find a seat towards the back of the jet.

Luci and Caleb sit more towards the front and opposite to the door we came in through.

I had to listen to their mindless chattering and conversation for the next 5 hours.

Then Luci got tired and went to sleep. On his shoulder.

They seem very close.

I wonder who he is to her. They've obviously been through a lot together.. Seeing as he just showed up randomly and it was as if he never left.. For 5 years apparently.

Is he related to that other boy?

Did I ever learn his name?..

There's so much to learn about the Spade mafia.. I might have to take notes.

We arrive in America, the almost 10 hour flight seeming longer than it was.

Once Luci awakes they go back to talking just like they were before she went to sleep.

It slightly irritated me.

Especially his voice.

"An SUV pulled up and I could only assume that was Spade.

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