3 | Champagne

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*2 weeks later*

My job was pretty simple these past two weeks.

I would accompany Luci to shipments, and everyday things like shopping. Though, she got less annoying each time I was around her.

Today was my first, I guess "real" mission. We were going to a ball. I've always thought these things were lame, but this is where she would make her first appearance as Spades daughter.. And heir.

I'm not especially excited because I know once this happens, people would be out for her head.

The only thing keeping me content was the thought of seeing Mia. This ball was for all the mafia's, so no doubt I would see my own mafia there.

For right now though, I'm apart of the American mafia. Unwillingly.

"Miss spade are you ready to leave?" I asked standing outside of Luci's door.

I know she hates when I call her that but I couldn't give two shit's. It's called being proper.

She didn't answer so I leaned on the wall right next to her door.

Why does it always take girls so long to get ready..

Her door opened a few minutes later and a bunch of ladies walked out. They must've been helping her get ready.

Luci walks out the next second, and my eyes are immediately glued to her body.

"You clean up nice." I said before walking towards the stairs. I'm just going to assume she's following after me, this ball is just as important to me as it is to her.

"Ben slow down, and stop calling me Miss Spade." She yelled after me.

I slowed my pace just a bit, just enough for her to catch up.

"Why are you in such a rush to get to the ball? Have a lady friend you want to meet?" She asked me.

"Shut up." I grunted.

"Oh, so you do have a girlfriend! What's she like? What's she look like?" She asked me.


"Luci!" I heard Spade yell from down stairs. We both reached the bottom floor and there were quite a few people here that I haven't seen before. They looked to be around Luci's age.

"Well, hello there." One of the girls came up to me. "My name is Athena, and this is my younger sister Mindy. I haven't gotten the chance to introduce myself, so I am now." she said holding out her hand.

I lightly grabbed her hand kissing the back of it before returning it to her side. "Ben Williams. Lovely to meet you Athena." I replied.

Athena seemed a bit older, like she was close to my age, but I could be wrong.

"How are you liking it here so far?" she asked me.

"It's not home, but i'm getting the hang of things here." I replied nonchalantly.

"That's good to hear. I'll try my best to make this place feel just like home." she smiled.

Her lips were perfect. Just like the rest of her body.

I nodded in response.

"Alright, let's get going." Spades voice rose over all conversations happening in the foyer.

Luci made her way back over to me and we went outside, hopping into one of the SUV's waiting for all of us.

I had to be alone in the SUV with Luci..

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