With a book in hand and a whole bag of marshmallows, I snuggle under the blanket in between Wyatt and Nik.

The wind howls as it shoots past the windows, making the atmosphere in this room comfortable.

Nik said earlier that a storm was coming and I guess it's here now.

Being pressed up between two other bodies helps me keep warm, for now, my toes don't feel like frozen blueberries as I press them against Nik's leg. He doesn't seem to mind it, I highly doubt changes in weather bother him.

For a while, we just enjoy each others company. We read and munch on the snacks Nik brought. The marshmallows might bother my stomach a little later, but that's the later Zoey's problem.

Nik and Wyatt both snap their heads towards the ceiling.

I look up and of course, nothing.

"What?" I ask.

Nik pulls me into him while Wyatt runs out of the room. I hear him stomping up the stairs, skipping at least two steps at a time in the process.

"Nik, what's going on?" I ask, trying to wiggle to get out of his grasp.

He sighs, "I don't know yet, love. Wyatt is checking on something for me."

My eyebrows furrow, as I look back at my book.

It's actually lovely. I like it a lot more than I originally thought I would.

"Shit!" Nik flies off the couch, leaving me to struggle to not fall on the floor.

Before I can complain, he's gone.

Where the heck...

I throw my book on the couch after gathering my bearings, on a mission to find out what's going on.

As I step up the stairs, I begin to hear faint yelling and a coughing sound.


She must be coughing because she couldn't breathe. She's awake now!

Happiness swallows me hole just to have me be harshly spit out and stomped on as I stand in front of Poppy's door.

Brina is huddled into a corner with her legs to her chest, coughing every few minutes while heavily breathing. Nik and Wyatt are holding Jett back from mauling her to death. And Poppy...Poppy is still on the bed, motionless and stiff as a board.

I slowly walk into the room, ignoring all the fighting, yelling, and crying. The only thing I can see that's not a huge blur in my brain right now is Poppy.

The room goes so silent you could hear joints creaking against each other. I assume that means everyone finally noticed me.

I lay my hand against her once warm, glowing face against her now cold, dull skin.

"I love you." I whisper to her as I get under the covers and lay with her.

"Zoey." Brina begins.

"Shh." I hear one of the guys hush her, "let her have her own moment." I now recognize the voice as Nik's.

"I guess the second time you die on me is the last time, huh." I laugh through the tears escaping my eyes. "I'm really...really going to miss you." I tell her as I squeeze my eyes shut, wishing it were me in her place.

After all, the poisoned bullet was meant for me.

I don't worry about all the eyes witnessing me lose my best friend, I don't worry about Brina's life, nor do I worry about how awkward I'm probably making everyone feel. All I care about is being here in this moment.

Memories of her saving me from living on the streets, giving me that open hand I haven't had since my parents died, giving me a job and a place to stay. She saved me and I couldn't save her.

My heart tears itself into pieces as I stare at her.

At least she looks peaceful. Beautifully unaware.

With closed eyes, I pull myself close to her, using my bodily warmth to try and warm her up just a little. I know it won't do anything, but she sheltered me from the cold so I feel obligated to do this for her...even if it means nothing helps.

After a while, I hear multiple footsteps walk out of the room, finally leaving me alone.

It feels like I only blinked, but when my eyes open back out, it's light outside. It's extremely bright, almost blinding from the snowfall.

I force my eyes to look out the window, seeing that snow is still coming down strong.

"Our first snowstorm of the year. Do you remember how the first winter we lived together, every night we'd drink hot cocoa with those mini marshmallows and watch the old classic Christmas movies? I bet you don't even know that those memories are some of my favorite."

My throat begins to burn as my eyes water up, blurring my vision.

"Love?" Nik opens the door.

I want to sit up, fix my hair and make sure I have no sleep in my eyes, but I don't have the energy to. So, I hum.

"Jett and I have to take her. I need you to eat as well." Nik says, walking in.

I don't even want to think about food right now. How could I eat?

A hand touches my shoulder, "love, come on."

I shake my head and hold onto Poppy's arm.

"Where are you going to take her?" I ask them.

After a moment of silence Nik answers, "she needs to be cremated."

"No," I insist, "she wanted to be buried. I want her to be buried in a field of flowers and sunshine." I tell them as tears sting my chapped cheeks.

"That can't work, love."

"Why not?"

Jett rubs my hand that's tightly latched to Poppy's arm, "because there is a snowstorm outside in the winter, baby. There are no flowers or a ground that is not frozen underneath."

It makes sense...I still don't like it though.

"I promise you, love, we will take care of her. Jett is going to take her to the basement and him and Wyatt are going to do it, then once spring comes around, I'll bring you to the most beautiful field with flowers and all the sunshine you want."

All the sunshine, she deserves it all.

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