Chapter 11

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Zoey's POV

This relationship will be exclusive, meaning us (the men) will not explore other women and you will not be with other men. If this is broken, a relationship will no longer be valid between us and you will not be allowed to return to our home. We would like it if you stayed here with us, but it's not mandatory. Feel free to always ask questions and get a honest answer from one of us. You may be in a dangerous situation one day, to which we would never want. Others hunt people like us, so you will be a weak point they could try to take advantage of. No matter what happens, we will always do our best to keep you safe and out of harms way. To consent to this, please sign your name at the bottom of the page.

The words 'dangerous, honest, advantage, safe, and weak point' flash into my mind repeatedly.

They will keep me safe.

I sign my name on the dotted line and hand it to Nik.

"The next paper you need to really focus on, lets go to the sunroom." Nik offers his hand out to me.

As I'm lead to the sunroom, I think about the offer to move in with them. I can't just leave my best friend, she shouldn't live alone in a place like that. She's strong, independent, and not scared of a single thing, but a lot of scary people live around us. She needs me as much as I need her.

As we walk into the sunroom, I examine it. It has windows surrounding all of the walls, even the roof is glass despite the bluish green wooden beam's. Lanterns hang from the beams, at night it would give the room and soft, comfortable glow. Greenery is scattered all over the room in a beautiful manner with a white fountain throwing out sounds of soft water falling. Couches and chairs with greenish blue supports and creamy white cushions with small yellow and red designs of flowers.

Who is the interior decorator here?

We plant our butts on the soft couch while Nik sits across from me in one of the chairs.

Checklist: Put an X or a check next to each line.

Toys. Like nipple clamps, vibrators, and gags. (Check)

Oral. (Check)


"Does biting mean you drink from me?" I ask for clarification.

Wyatt shakes his head. "no, doll. Biting is exactly what it sounds like."

Biting. (Check)

"Wait, what if I don't know if I like something or not?"

"Then put a check by it if you're willing to try it." Jett smiles.

I nod and continue.

Choking. (Check)

Vaginal Intercourse. (Check)


I search my brain for thoughts on what I should mark this as. It sounds painful, very unpleasant. But I know Poppy has mentioned it a few times and she never mentioned anything bad about it. I won't know if I like it for sure unless I try it.

Anal. (Check)


"Will anyone but us see the recordings?" I ask with my finger keeping my place on the paper.

"Only us, baby. Nobody will see what's ours." Jett confirms.

Recording. (Check)

DD/LG or CG/L.

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