Chapter 61

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Wyatt's POV

We've only been here for about two hours, Nik was planning on letting Zoey stay out for at least four hours before bringing her back to the house. So, why is Brina saying we have to go?

I scan the room, finding nothing to indicate a threat around.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Someone who has a death wish decided to show up." Zoey answers, gritting her teeth.

The only person who pops into my mind is Desmond himself.

Nik runs through the door and spots Zoey.

It doesn't get past me how there is no black smoke, no rage. She doesn't even move.

"Grab her, we have to go." Nik demands.

My hand goes up, "wait, there is no mist."

We all look at her, even Jett looks excited, seeing no evidence of the Vurthron .

"It's gone." Jett states, sounding just as surprised as I feel.

Brina stares at Zoey in awe, not believing what she's seeing.

Zoey doesn't move a muscle, she just stares at a clueless Desmond as he plays air hockey with what I assume is his date.

"Zoey," Nik tries to grab her attention, "love, are you okay? I think we should leave."

The only confirmation that she even hear him was the twitch of her fingers that are resting on the black bar top.

"Maybe she's having some sort of PTSD flashback?" Brina suggests, not understanding going on herself.

I shrug, deciding to reach out and touch her shoulder, "you're okay, doll. We're all here." I try to comfort her, just in case.

Desmond's brown eyes snap up, noticing all of us. His eyes widen but then turn into a scowl.

"Something isn't right." Brina states, grabbing her head.

Jett grabs her shoulder to settle her swaying body, "what's the matter?" He asks her.

Everyone around us begins to act strange, weak, almost so drunk that they are going to pass out. They sway as their pale faces look around the room.

"''s too late." Brina doubles over in pain.

"What!" Jett tries to get her to spit it out but before she can answer, everyone around us clomps to the floor.

"Get her-" she breathes heavily, "out of he-here." Brina demands before dropping to the ground.

Without a second beat, Nik grabs Zoey and darts out of the arcade bar, as soon as the door opens, letting the natural light surround her, I see the black smoke oozing out of her skin before the door closes behind her. It must've been the black lights in here.

I abruptly grab Brina's limp body as Jett walks over to Desmond's corpse. Just before I walk out of the door, I study Jett as he spits on him like the garbage he is.

On the way home, Brina and Zoey both sit as stiff as a board. The mist still seeps from Zoey's skin, but not nearly as much as before. In the arcade bar, it must've been so opaque but with the damn black made is disappear.

When we pull up to the house, Zoey finally starts to snap out of the daze she was in. She still doesn't speak, but I can tell she's becoming more aware of her surroundings by the way her head turns to inspect the house.

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