Chapter 58

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Nikolaus' POV

A blood curdling scream leaves the mouth of Zoey.

"What happened?" I shoot at Brina with my fists itching to kill her for causing so much pain.

Wyatt forces himself to leave the room, already smelling the blood pooling from her eyes.

"What the fuck!" Jett yells, pointing at our poor little human.

"I need you both to calm down so I can focus." Brina answers, engrossed in cutting into the bottom of Zoey's foot.

I'm not worried about the scalpel leaving a scar, I can heal her completely. But her crying out for help and being forced to not be of service, that'll weigh heavy on all three of us tonight.

The blood spilling from her eyes cease to settle, dripping from her jaw and onto the blankets under her.

Jett and I look to each other. The thought of checking on Wyatt crosses my mind, but I couldn't possibly leave Zoey like this.

"I'm here, love." I tell her quietly as I grasp her hand, "go check on Wyatt for me," I instruct Jett.

He sighs but doesn't fight it. We all know how Wyatt is a blood slut, he needs to be contained to make sure he won't go out on a binge and feed off people.

Brina continues to say words in Latin. I'm old, but not that old. I should've listened as a child when my teachers tried to teach me the old languages. I did pick up on a little Hebrew, but that's the most of it.

"Okay, it's done." Brina throws the scalpel onto the floor. Her body follows soon after in complete exhaustion.

Zoey appears to be unconscious as the rise and fall of her stomach is slow and deep.

"She won't be asleep for long," Brina starts, wiping sweat from her forehead, "her body is just in shock, it's the human in her."

Before I can answer, we are rudely interrupted by Jett busting into the door.

"Wyatt's fine, just in the sunroom with Poppy and drinking a bloodpack."

I roll my eyes. He dramatically busted through the door just to say that?

"Why isn't she moving?" Jett asks, sitting on the edge of the bed. He gently caresses his finger down her blood stained cheek.

"Her body is in shock, Brina said it's human."

I've never been in shock. I mean, I've been shocked, but I'm not sure I know how it feels to be in shock.

"You've been human before, what does it feel like?" I ask Jett as he tries to softly clean the blood off her face with the pad of his thumb.

"Well," he looks at me with eyes hooded over, "you feel everything so intensely that you don't feel it at all. Almost like when you stub your toe, it hurts like hell for a few minutes but then it goes numb. So numb that sometimes you have to check if it's still attached to your foot. After a while, the feeling in it comes back to normal." Jett explains.

I have only stubbed my toe a handful of times.

"She's in pain?" I ask.

Jett nods, "we will baby the hell out of her."

Fuck yeah we will. She will have everything she could ever want, even if it's to cut her hair and change her name, as long as she's okay.

We sit in silence for about an hour before deciding to move her down into the sunroom. Wyatt would want to know she's okay and her waking up next to what she calls Poppy will put her mind at ease.

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