Chapter 44

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Zoey's POV

After a few days pass, Poppy drops the whole "she's a killer" fiasco but I can't get it out of my mind.

We ended up not telling the guys about what Desmond said about me in fear they'll do something horrible to him.

While I've been wondering if I'm actually capable of murder, Poppy on the other hand hasn't even brought it up and is acting like everything is completely normal.

It's getting to the point where it's hard to sleep at night. I don't think I could hurt anyone, but who knows how upset someone has to get until they snap. What if I snapped and don't remember? What if I'm actually...whatever Desmond said I was.

I decide that today, I'm going to get some answers.

I tie my blonde hair up with a hair tie and throw on some baggy sweatpants and an oversized shirt. Although I may look homeless, I'm comfortable.

Scurrying down the steps, I sneakily walk into the library to do some studying.

Nothing beats this library though. It's homey and throws out the perfect amount of light from the few windows along the back wall among the shelves and shelves of books.

I could live in here happily if it had a bathroom and a cooking area.

My finger touches the spines of the books as I walk through the rows, making a pattering sound until I reach the back of the library where the books starting with a 'V' are located.

If feels as if I were scanning these shelves for hours with nothing popping out at me. I can't find anything that says Vurthon and it's starting to make me feel even more crazy.

A beacon of light shines in my head.

Shuffling through the bookcases once again, looking for the 'M' shelves.

"Dang it!" I complain, realizing the books I want to look at are on the top shelf. I stand on my toes, trying to reach it to only have the tips of my fingers brush against the spines.

"Zoey? Are you alright?" Nik's voice cuts through the books.

I turn and watch him spot me, he smiles, realizing that I'm not hurt.

Not only am I wishing I picked a better outfit, I wish I were a little quieter in my attempts to reach those stupid books.

"Need help?" He smirks, leaning against one of the bookcases.

"Yes, sir." I taunt, playing along.

He saunters towards me before placing his hands on my hips and picking me up to retrieve the books I want.

He gently places me back on the ground, stilling behind me.

"Mythology. What do you want to know about, love?" He asks, taking some books out of my hand to help me.

I know I can tell him anything but I don't know if I should tell him this because if it's true...he might not want to be with me anymore and that would cause me to die from a broken heart.

His eyes zero in on me as I meet his question with silence.

"Vur-Vurthron's." I stutter, hoping he doesn't connect the dots like Desmond did somehow.

His head shakes quizzically, "how do you know about those?" He asks.

I bring my shoulders up to my ears before dropping them, "T.V." I lie.

His lips purse, "highly unlikely, those are extinct. Even when they weren't extinct, they were extremely rare." He calls my bluff.

My eyebrows raise, surprised to hear the news, "you're sure they are extinct?" I ask, hopefully.

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