Harry Miller was a handsome-faced boy with boyish charms. He was a surfer who spent most of his time travelling around beach towns. He was the funniest guy in the group who was never out of jokes. Well, I guess if you can make her smile, she's yours. You could talk to him for hours and not get bored.I guess you can make people like you by showing good sense, ignoring yourself, and being funny.

I guess you can make people like you by showing good sense, ignoring yourself, and being funny

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We all ate little nibbles while we talked, Chloe took out her phone to take a selfie. While Harry was making us all laugh by telling us jokes. While Sebastian turned on some music. It was slow somber music which merged right into the background of our conversations.

Audrey asked, " Carter, where is Zach ? Will he be coming over too?"

"He wanted to sleep in for longer he will join us before lunch" Carter replied.

Harry and Sebastian seemed very excited that Zach was going to come soon. They seemed to share a great bond. Chloe and Juliana were also talking about him. For some reason, there was such a buzz about this guy; everyone seemed to love him, and he wasn't even here yet. He did not even have the decency to come on time, so I did not even get why all of a sudden everyone was talking about him. I guess I was pissed that he got to sleep in while I had three girls who made me wake up for this luncheon. I was pissed that he was getting some sort of special treatment. I did not even know this guy but he had it in him to piss me off. 

I went to the kitchen to get something to drink, too pissed at this boy who I did not know anything about other than his name and the fact that HE GOT TO SLEEP IN. 

Chloe noticed that I was pissed and followed me in.

"Damn girl, you look pissed off. Anything we said." She asked. I just said, "Nothing Chloe, I just fancied a drink, that's all".

Chloe didn't seem to buy it."Are you going to tell me or am I going to have to force the truth out, I can be quite a bitch when I want to Serena" she exclaimed in a calm yet scary tone.

"I .. just don't get why everyone is obsessed with this guy." I said in a hushed tone.

"You mean Zach right, everyone loves him that's just about it" She said with a grin

"He is not even here. He is late to this luncheon. How can you be obsessed with some guy who can't even show up on time?" I said in a pissed off manner when I heard everyone screaming because apparently their favourite person, yah right that jerk Zach, had come.

Chloe said, "He's here. Come on, let's go meet him. You will love him too once you meet him."She also went to meet him. There was such a buzz all around him now that he had arrived. Did no one notice he arrived late. I was still pissed at this treatment he was getting, as if he was some prince.

I finished my drink and went to join the others, but I dreaded being introduced to him and talking to him. I knew that I would be introduced to him and I would now have to sit and listen about him all over again except now he would be here too. I already hated him enough before meeting him.

Audrey was waving towards me, gesturing me to come to the balcony where everyone was, which is when my phone rang. It was my mom. Gosh, I have never been more thankful for my mom's call before this. I was determined to keep the call as long as possible.

I went on and on talking to my mother about what I had been up to in Paris, and it had just been two days. My mom sensed that I was pissed about something, and I ended up venting about Zach. When I was telling her how late he was, she exclaimed, "Is Zach Carter's cousin?"

I recalled Audrey mentioning about him and said "Yes he is, so what"

My mother was more excited than ever and went on praising him. She was more excited than all these people. "Wait, mom, how do you even know him?" My mother said, "He is Sandra and Nate's son. Me and your father were best friends with them in college. You might remember them.." I cut her right there, I couldn't listen to another word about this guy. " Mom, I got to go. Audrey is calling me."

I was tired of listening to everyone talk about Zach. I needed to clear my head, so I slowly slipped out and went for a walk. After a few rounds around the block, I came back with somewhat of a clear mind.

No one had even noticed I had gone out. Everyone was engaged in their talk while Zach stood in the center. That was supposed to be me. I am always the center of attention, but now someone else has grabbed my spotlight. No one even noticed my presence or absence. I slowly walked in when Audrey pulled me in and introduced me to Zach.

How I dreaded even the sight of him. From my friends to my parents, Zach seemed to be the one everyone loved and adored. I got lost in the thought of how he did not deserve this much praise. I started listing everything I hated about him in my head, right from that smirk to that British accent. The more I noticed him, the more I hated him. I hated Zach because he knew that everything he did would be adored by everyone, even if he did it wrong. When Harry snapped me back to reality, saying, "Serena, let's go, everyone is leaving to eat."

I joined them in the dining room. We all sat down to eat. I made sure to sit as far away from Zach as possible. But as life plays you, he ended up sitting right across from me.

I spent the entire luncheon trying to find more flaws in him.Just when you think that a boy cannot be more imperfect, Zach made the entire luncheon all about him and his achievements as the football captain and how he was so popular among girls. He went on and on. That's how the luncheon ended, with me knowing that next week, when Audrey and Carter shall shift in together in their new home, I shall have to live with this arrogant piece of man-Zach.

That's it- I take everything I said about this summer being the summer of our lives. This was going to by far be the worst summer ever because I barely knew Zach and I hated him so much. Just one meeting with him spoiled my day, I cannot imagine what meeting him for the rest of my vacation do to me.

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