Chapter Fourteen:

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The Greek Gala

   Liam scrambled down the ladder with Alexander safely in his arms. When he got to the bottom, he set Alexander down and he rushed over to the quarters. Ethan took a rope and he slid down to the first dock. Alexander ran over to Remmy and grabbed his legs. Remmy looked at Alexander and then he lifted him up. Then he watched Ethan go up the stairs to Joe. He had grabbed Joe's arm and whispered something into his ear. Joe's eye twitched.
"Lookit here. That is all Liam's problem, not ours." Joe said.
"If it's Liam's then it's Jean's problem too." Ethan spoke. Joe looked at Ethan and then he sighed.
"Get this ship moving quicker!" Joe yelled out. The crew stood up from playing cards.
"Yessum!" All the crew, besides Ethan, yelled out. Remmy stood in silence while holding Alexander. Ethan walked down the stairs to go back to the crows nest. He walked passed which got Alexander's attention.
"Mr Ethan! Can I go back up with you?" Alexander pleaded, pointing up at the crows nest. Ethan stopped walking and turned to Alexander. He glanced at Remmy.
"If it be fine with ya fatha." Ethan said with a soft reassuring smile. Alexander looked at Remmy.
"Please daddy!" Alexander pleaded. Remmy looked at Alexander then glanced at Ethan.
"Just be safe." Remmy said. Alexander smiled.
"Yay!" Alexander squealed. Ethan smiled and took Alexander from Remmy. He gave Alexander the spyglass and went over to the ladder. Remmy glanced over at the quarters door. He'd seen Liam run in there but he hadn't come back out. He slowly walked over to the door and pushed it open. That's when he immediately heard Jean and Liam arguing. He walked into the quarters and he saw Corey sitting down on the bench that Alexander slept on. Jean and Liam were arguing at the desk.
"Ok, if we just go a little faster, I'm sure we can outsail them." Liam said. Jean showed a glare at Liam.
"His ship used to be an Istan war ship Liam. It's built to ride fast even on waves. They must've seen us passing the island." Jean explained.
"Then what the hell ya suggest we do then?" Liam asked strictly.
"We let them board." Jean said. Liam slammed two fists on the table. Remmy flinched like a jump scare.
"Hendrix is out for blood Jean! He boards, we all die. Corey and the royal family will be tied by the hands and legs and thrown overboard to drown." Liam yelled strictly. Jean crossed his arms and stared at Liam with a strict look. He'd been thinking but luckily Jean's brain is a smart prick. Jean uncrossed his arms.
"Com'on." Jean demanded Liam to follow. Liam followed Jean out of the quarters. Corey stood up and he also followed. Remmy was hesitant at the first moment but he followed out after Corey. Jean walked over to the helm and right to the back of the ship. Liam looked out over the deck and looked back at the nothingness. Corey walked over to Liam.
"So who's Hendrix?" Corey asked, looking over to the nothingness behind the ship. Remmy stood out of the quarters door listening. Liam looked at Corey.
"He's— he's a pirate. He and Jean had been rumbling for years. It's also how I met Drew." Liam said nervously, looking at the floor to show he was nervous.
"And he is?" Corey questioned. Liam didn't look up from the floor. Instead, he was stuck thinking.
"He's Drew's older brother. He blames Jean for his death and he just hates my guts." Liam explained. Corey's curious face went to a concerned face. He crossed his arms and stared at Liam.
"I see." Corey said. Liam showed a frown.
"And he will definitely kill everyone on this deck if he boards." Liam said. Remmy quickly walked over to Liam.
"Why?" Remmy questioned. Liam looked at Remmy. He held his hand out for Remmy to take and so Remmy did so. He took Liam's hand. Liam pulled Remmy's hand to his chest.
"It won't happen. Jean knows better." Liam said softly for the comfort of Remmy. Remmy looked down slowly and he just held onto Liam's arm, which was to the side of Liam now. Liam looked to Corey.
"Luckily Jean is a better sailer then Hendrix." Liam said. Corey smiled. The three of them looked up at Jean. Jean was looking through a spyglass, staring out at the Greek Gala that was slowly following them. He slowly put the spyglass back on his pants crease and he turned to Joe.
"Didn't I say to make sure you didn't get seen?" Jean asked strictly.
"I thought we didn't get seen." Joe said as he shrugged his shoulders. He felt as though he was a burden now. Jean covered his eyes and he began to think.
"Maybe ya shou start the sail Cap'n!" Max yelled out as he climbed up a rope to release the sails in the wind. Right as that was said, a large gust of wind flung by.
"Sail Cap'n!" Marcel screamed out. Jean lifted his head up and looked at his crew. They were all staring up at him. Joe lifted his arms up and he stepped away from the helm.
"The Treasured Gold will always be yours." Joe said. Jean smiled and pointed at Marcel.
"Ya betta make ma Treasured Gold light up like a Christmas tree. I like a tease." Jean demanded.
"I say, let's not do that." Liam pleaded.
"We will." Jean demanded. Liam stood there in plain shock.
"Oh, screw these homicidal maniacs." Liam said, pulling Remmy towards the captains quarters. Corey looked up at Jean. Jean was getting the ship ready for a fast sweep but his attention flaked to Corey. He edged Corey to come over to him with his hand. Corey walked up to the second deck and over to Jean. Jean took Corey by the waist and leaned him up against the helm.
"I still do not gain the confidence to ask until now but might you by my lover.. officially?" Jean asked. Corey crossed his arms and looked down at Jean's hands that were held tightly around his waist.
"Are your hands gonna move if I say yes?" Corey asked curiously.
"Hell no." Jean said with a snicker.
"Then I have no choice but to say yes." Corey said with a small shrug. Jean smiled and leaned forward.
"You knew I wasn't gonna let go either way." Jean said with a snicker.
"I did. It was very obvious." Corey said, touching Jean's chin. Jean couldn't help but smile.

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